Use dynamic text

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Dynamic text is an on-screen text element for animation that displays properties about the map. The on-screen text changes based on the properties during animation playback. The following types of dynamic text presets are available for animation:

  • Map Time
  • Map Range
  • Viewpoint
  • Voxel Filter
  • Voxel Surface

You can add dynamic text to your animation for properties such as the following:

  • Terrain elevation or water depth
  • Date values, such as monthly changes in crime hot spots
  • Precipitation records over the year
  • X,Y position tracking, such as a ship's transit or hurricane path
  • The temperature value for an ocean water isosurface

Dynamic text elements use dynamic tags, but you can combine both dynamic and static tags into a single element to customize what you want to see. A preset displays a predefined amount of formatting, but you can type into the existing element and insert or remove a piece of text, depending on what you want to show.

Map Time

To add dynamic text synchronized with the time slider, such as a date, you need to ensure that at least one of the layers in the map has time properties enabled. To add a Map Time overlay, do the following:

  1. Select a single keyframe from the Keyframe Gallery or select a group of keyframes, for example, keyframes 2 through 5.
  2. In the Overlay group on the Animation tab, click the gallery drop-down arrow and click Map Time Map Time Preset.

    The map time preset is added to the view as an on-screen editable text box for the keyframes you selected.

  3. Move, format, and edit the text as desired.
  4. Click the close button Close in the upper corner to close on-screen editing and apply the overlay to the view.

Map Range

To add dynamic text synchronized with the range slider, such as temperature or floors of a building, you need to ensure that at least one of the layers in the map has range properties enabled. To add a Map Range overlay, do the following:

  1. Select a single keyframe from the Keyframe Gallery or select a group of keyframes, for example, keyframes 2 through 5.
  2. In the Overlay group on the Animation tab, click the gallery drop-down arrow and click Map Range Map Range Preset.

    The map range preset is added to the view as an on-screen editable text box for the keyframes you selected.

  3. Move, format, and edit the text as desired.
  4. Click the close button Close in the upper corner to close on-screen editing and apply the overlay to the view.


To add dynamic text for the camera's viewpoint, do the following:

  1. Select a single keyframe from the Keyframe Gallery or select a group of keyframes, for example, keyframes 2 through 5.
  2. In the Overlay group on the Animation tab, click the gallery drop-down arrow and click Viewpoint Viewpoint Preset.

    A text box appears on screen in an editable mode for the keyframes you selected.

  3. Move, format, and edit the text as desired. Changes that you can perform include the following:
    • Add static text that does not change during playback.
    • Remove tags you do not want to appear.

    The default text that appears reports the full camera position (X, Y, and Z ) and rotation values (heading and pitch).

    This is what you see when the overlay is first added to the view:

    Viewpoint overlay tags

    This is what you see after applying the overlay:

    Viewpoint overlay dynamic text

  4. Click the close button Close in the upper corner to close on-screen editing and apply the overlay to the view.

Voxel data

To add dynamic text for voxel data filter values, or display isosurface values, do the following:

  1. Ensure your scene contains a voxel layer.
  2. Select a single keyframe from the Keyframe Gallery or select a group of keyframes, for example, keyframes 2 through 5.
  3. In the Overlay group on the Animation tab, click the gallery drop-down arrow and under the Dynamic Text category, choose from the following:
    • Voxel Filter Voxel Filter—Adds a dynamic text element that displays the voxel data filter minimum and maximum values.
    • Voxel Surface Voxel Surface—Adds a dynamic text element that displays the voxel surface values.
  4. Move, format, and edit the text as desired.
  5. Click the close button Close in the upper corner to close on-screen editing and apply the overlay to the view.

Examples of customized dynamic text

Sometimes what is displayed in an overlay preset requires customization. Using overlay on-screen editing or the Animation Properties pane, your text, image, and dynamic text overlays can be formatted. When modifying dynamic text overlays for animations, you can use all the tag options except for those provided for layouts.


Angle brackets (< >) and dyn type="animation" are necessary, as this triggers the text to update dynamically with the keyframes.

Edit a viewpoint overlay

Selection is an important part of editing an overlay element in animation. The overlay must be active or selected to edit, and only one overlay can be active at a time.

The viewpoint overlay adds all the camera's properties as dynamic text. You can delete the pieces you don't need and add any preferred text. One scenario is an animation depicting the path of the ascent up Mount Everest. Displaying the elevation values from the starting base camp to the summit can add useful and interesting information. For example, to display only the camera's z-property, you'd make the following changes:

  1. Set the animation to the current time your overlay will display. For example, you can drag the current time indicator (red vertical bar) on the keyframe gallery, or type in the Current Time text box for the animation on the Animation tab.
  2. Choose the overlay you want to edit from either the Overlay Timeline on the Animation Timeline pane by clicking Select Next Next Visible Overlay which lets you browse through all the overlays, or click to select from the overlays list in the Animation Properties pane.

    Any unavailable overlays that appear greyed out means they are not visible at the current time but they are part of the entire list of overlays for the animation.

  3. In the Overlay group on the Animation tab, click Edit Text Edit text to access on-screen editing for the overlay. When you're finished, click the close button Close to commit the changes made through on-screen editing.
  4. To edit an overlay using the Animation Properties pane, hover over the list of overlays to give focus to the one you want to edit. Click the Edit button Edit text to activate an editing text box. Click the Edit button Edit text again to commit the changes from the Animation Properties pane.

    Your changes are reflected in the view as you type in the edit box in the Animation Properties pane.

To customize the viewpoint display to include a title and only the elevation value, you would make the following changes:

Original tags for Viewpoint dynamic textExample of changesExample of edited tags Displayed text

<dyn type="animation" property="camera.x" units="dms" decimalPlaces="0" preStr="X: "/>

<dyn type="animation" property="camera.y" units="dms" decimalPlaces="0" preStr="Y: "/>

<dyn type="animation" property="camera.z" preStr="Z: "/>

<dyn type="animation" property="camera.heading" preStr="Heading: "/>

<dyn type="animation" property="camera.pitch" preStr="Pitch: "/>

  • Add a static title or description of what the values represent.
  • Remove all other values and keep only the camera's z-property.

Meters: <dyn type="animation" property="camera.z"/>

Meters: 11,650.37

Edit a map time overlay

The map time overlay adds the start and end time properties as the default dynamic time text. You can delete pieces you don't need and add any preferred text. One example, shown here, is displaying a history of earthquake incidents symbolized by magnitude range. To display a specific date format and add a title, you would make the following changes:

Original tags for Map Time dynamic textExample desired changesExample of edited tagsDisplayed text

<dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="short|long"/>

<dyn type="animation" property="endTime" format="short|long"/>

  • Add a title or description of what the values represent.
  • Format the time property to only show the year as a one-year span.

Earthquakes: <dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="yyy"/> to <dyn type="animation" property="endTime" format="yyy"/>

Earthquakes: 1988 to 1989

The images below show the before and after editing of the dynamic time text for an animation.

Map time dynamic text as default format

Customized dynamic time text

Other custom formats are included in the table below. For a complete list, see date and time dynamic text.

FormatStringText example as it appears on screenAdditional notes


<dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="short|long"/>

<dyn type="animation" property="endTime" format="short|long"/>

12/26/1988 12:00:00 AM

12/26/1989 12:00:00 AM

Top angle brackets (< >) denote minimum time ("startTime").

Bottom angle brackets (< >) denote maximum time ("endTime").


<dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="short|long"/>

12/26/1988 12:00:00 AM

Entire objects in angle brackets (< >) can be removed.

The "endtime" has been removed.


<dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="short"/>




Earthquakes <dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="short|long"/>

Earthquakes 12/26/1989 12:00:00 AM

Any text can be added to the beginning or end if outside the angle brackets (< >).


<dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="|h:mm:ss tt"/>

12:00:00 AM

format="|h:mm:ss tt"/>


<dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="yyy"/>



Edit a map range overlay

The map range overlay adds the minimum and maximum range properties as the default dynamic range text. You can delete the pieces you don't need and add any preferred text. One scenario is water column data that is thematically colored to show the level of dissolved oxygen at different ocean depths. For example, if you want to display only the minimum value, update the decimal places for accuracy, and add a title or description about what the value represents, you would make the following changes:

Original tags for Map Range dynamic textExample changesExample of edited tags Displayed text

Min: <dyn type="animation" property="rangemin" decimalPlaces="0"/>

Max: <dyn type="animation" property="rangemax" decimalPlaces="0"/>

  • Add a title or description of what the values represent.
  • Update the value to show two decimal places for accuracy.
  • Remove maximum value because it does not change in the animation.

Dissolved Oxygen > <dyn type="animation" property="rangemin" decimalPlaces=" 2 "/> mgL

Dissolved Oxygen


The images below show the before and after editing of the dynamic range text.

Map range dynamic text as default format
Customized dynamic range text

Edit a voxel data overlay

There are two dynamic text overlays for voxel data, one for the optional data filter used for a volume sublayer, and one for the data value for an isosurface sublayer. Voxel dynamic text includes a layer name property to support scenes that contain multiple voxel or isosurface layers.

The voxel filter overlay is used for the volume sublayer of a voxel layer and adds the minimum and maximum data filter properties as the default dynamic text. You can delete the pieces you don't need and add any preferred text. One scenario is water volume voxel data that is thematically colored to show the temperature of the water. If you want to display the current temperature range with a reduced number of decimal places, and add a title and a temperature unit, you would make the following changes:

Original tags for Voxel Filter dynamic textExample changesExample of edited tags Displayed text

Min: <dyn type="animation" layer="WaterTemp Voxel" property="voxelfilter.min" decimalPlaces="2"/>

Max: <dyn type="animation" layer=" WaterTemp Voxel" property="voxelfilter.max" decimalPlaces="2"/>

  • Add a title or description of what the values represent, including a temperature unit.
  • Update the value to show one decimal place for easier reading.

Temperature Range: <dyn type="animation" layer="WaterTemp Voxel" property="voxelfilter.min" decimalPlaces="1"/> - <dyn type="animation" layer="WaterTemp Voxel" property="voxelfilter.max" decimalPlaces="1"/> [C]

Temperature Range

:10.0 - 21.3 [C]

The images below show the before and after editing of the dynamic voxel filter text.

Voxel Filter overlay as default text
Customized dynamic Voxel Filter text

The voxel surface overlay is used for an isosurface layer in the Surfaces sublayer of a voxel layer. It displays the single value that defines the surface, and includes both the name of the voxel layer and the isosurface sublayer. As with the voxel filter dynamic text, you can delete pieces you don't need, add any preferred text, as well as define the number of decimal places. The default Voxel Surface dynamic overlay text is as follows:

Isosurface 1: <dyn type="animation" layer="WaterTemp Voxel" property="voxelisosurface.Isosurface 1" decimalPlaces="2"/>

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