Update interactive slice properties

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive

Selection is an important aspect for being able to edit and update an exploratory slice object. Part of what makes slice, and other exploratory analysis objects, different than geoprocessing analysis tools is that they are created and modified interactively. Once a slice is selected, you can control updates to its size and position in the view using the edit handles, or you can use the values defined on the Properties tab in the Exploratory Analysis pane. Since the analysis objects are intended for quick visual feedback, you can also remove and create an object at any time.

Select a slice plane to update

To modify the properties of an individual slice plane, it must first be selected. You can select a slice plane by clicking any of the midpoints along the plane edges. You can also use the options in the navigation box at the top of the Properties tab:

  • Select Next Select Next—Cycle the selection forward through the existing slice planes in the scene. When the slice is selected, you can update its properties, including size and position values, culling direction, colors, and affected layers.

  • Select Previous Select Previous—Cycle the selection in reverse order through the existing slice planes.

  • Delete Delete—Delete the selected slice plane from the scene, and the next slice plane is selected if it exists.

Clear a selection by clicking away from the lines of sight in the scene, ensuring the creation method tool is still active.

Update a slice plane interactively in the scene using the selection handles

When you select a slice plane, interactive handles display, allowing you to directly manipulate the aspects of the object. You can do the following to the properties:

  • Drag the inner circle to move the plane to a new location, updating the x-, y-, and z-values.
  • Rotate the green outer ring to manipulate the heading value.
  • Rotate the red vertical ring to update the plane's tilt angle.
  • Drag the green arrow handle to change the elevation (z-value) for the plane.
  • Drag a midpoint anchor on the plane edges to update the width and height.

The slice plane honors below ground navigation for the scene. Therefore, to move control points below the ground elevation surface, you must enable this capability. Select the elevation surface in the Contents pane, and on the Elevation Surface Layer tab in the Surface group, check the Navigate Underground option. This property applies a 2-meter offset from the ground to ensure the point remains above ground when the scene changes the ground surface level of detail.

Update a slice plane using the Properties tab

Use the Properties tab in the Exploratory Analysis pane to iteratively select through your analysis objects, type any necessary modifications, or, optionally, click Delete Delete to remove an object. To clear a selection, you must click away from the object in the view.

The slice properties you can update are as follows:

  • Rotation values for heading and tilt.
  • Dimension values for width and height, with a choice of units.
  • Culling direction to hide either what is in front, or what is behind the slice plane. Volumes can cull everything inside the slice frame, or everything outside the slice frame.

Global properties

Global properties affect all existing slice planes and any future planes created. Expand the Global Properties heading to modify the wireframe color for the slice plane, as well as the cut outline indicating where a slice cuts through an object or surface. You can also choose to view the on-screen display feedback. The Show edit overlay option opens a control to display changing values, and you can type new handle values. You can use the Restore Defaults button at any time to return all global properties to their default values.

Affected layers

If you need to customize which layers participate in the analysis, you can include or exclude them by checking or unchecking the layer. Expand the Affected Layers heading and either search for a layer or use the list view. You can search for a layer and set a filter to control the results. The layer list can also be sorted to make it easier to find the layers you need. Being able to customize the affected layers allows you to choose which content is culled from the view and which content remains visible—for example, you can view the plumbing infrastructure inside a building as you interactively slice away the floors and walls. These settings apply to all slices, but only the active view is immediately refreshed.

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