Export a simulation analysis result to share with others. A simulation can be shared in the following ways:
- As a collection of TIFF images as the simulation progresses.
- As a single image at a moment time. Use the Capture To Clipboard button in the Output group of the Share tab to capture the current simulation status.
- In a project, map, or layer package.
Rasters used to define depth and infiltration are not included when shared as a layer package.
Export a collection of TIFF images
You can export a simulation as a collection of TIFF images. To do this, complete the following:
- On the Simulation tab, in the Export group, click Analysis Results .
The Export Simulation pane appears.
- Under the File heading, provide the following:
- Name Prefix—The leading characters of the resulting file's name.
- Location—The location to save the file. Provide a location in the text box, or click Browse to browse to the location where you want to save the file.
- Vertical Units—The vertical unit that will be used to generate the result.
- Under the Water Levels heading, set the simulation values to export from the available options:
- Water Depth
- Water Absolute Height
- Water Velocity
- Set the interval of the export from the available options:
- Using the layer's cache interval—Export all cached images at the default step interval. This is the default.
- Number of iterations—Split the analysis into an equal number of sections. For example, a number of 10 for a 30-minutes scenario would export an analysis result for every third minute of simulation time.
- Time step—Only export the images that occur at a set interval of time, for example, every 15 minutes.
When using the Number of iterations or Time step options, an informational warning appears at the bottom of the pane indicating what will be generated.
- Optionally, check the Include the simulation initial state option to include the starting image.
By default, this is not included.
- Click Export.
A collection of TIFF images are saved to the specified location. Each image is uniquely named using the Name Prefix value, an underscore, the simulation value type, another underscore, and the simulation time stamp in decimal seconds. For example, a frame showing water depth at 4.5 seconds, would be named NamePrefix_WaterDepth_000450.tif and another frame at 2 minutes, which is 120 seconds, would be named NamePrefix_WaterDepth_012000.tif.
To export the analysis as an animation, export the simulation with a granular time step, such as every minute, and compile the images using time.