ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts Namespace / Pane Class
Members Version

Pane Class
Represents a primary window within the application. This is an abstract class.
Object Model
Pane ClassOperationManager ClassState Class

The framework supports multiple panes, letting users display and interact with multiple subjects. Only one pane can be active at a time. The active pane helps establish what is available on the ribbon; switching between different panes may result in changes to the visible tabs. The active pane represents what the user is working with at any given time and therefore provides the primary context for the application. You can open many panes at the same time and these can be grouped or tiled.

Panes can be associated with a default tab and a default tool such that if no other relevant tool/tab is already selected, the default will automatically be selected when the pane is activated.

Panes have two components: a component class that derives from the Pane abstract class and a view class that derives from FrameworkElement, typically a UserControl. Panes must be defined in DAML.

Declaring Panes in DAML:

              <pane id="acme_basicPane" className="BasicPaneViewModel" caption="Basic Pane" isDropTarget="true" loadingMessage="Initializing..." 
                    defaultTab="acme_mainTab" defaultTool="acme_selectTool" smallImage="pack://application:,,,/Acme;component/Images/BasicPane.png" >
                <content className="BasicPaneView"/>

DAML attributes
id Required identifier.
caption The default Pane heading.
extendedCaption A more descriptive title.
loadingMessage Temporary message appearing while Pane is initializing.
showLoadingMessage Loading message visibility.
isDropTarget Flag specifying whether the Pane processes drag/drop events directly. Defaults to true.
defaultTab Tab to activate when Pane activates.
defaultTool Tool to activate when Pane activates.
defaultDockPane DockPane to activate when Pane activates.
hasCloseAllButThisCommand Enable or disable the 'Close all but this' command on the Pane's context menu.
smallImage Image appearing in tab header.
className Required class identifier. Optionally include namespace if not in default namespace.
assembly Assembly name if not in the default assembly.
publicKeyToken The necessary public key token if the assembly is strongly named.
version The version of the dll if the assembly is strongly named.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also