ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy Version
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace (ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping)
The ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping namespace contains types to create maps and layers, label features, perform query operations, and visualize them in 2D or 3D.
ClassRepresents a Portable Document Format (AIX) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents the collection of tracks, keyframes and transitions that define an animation for the map.
Class Properties used to export an animation.
Class Represents a layer with a collection of annotation features and their visual representation and editing (when permitted).
Class Represents a sublayer within an annotation layer.
Class Represents a bar chart renderer definition to show a number of quantitative field values as bars (horizontal) or columns (vertical)
Class Represents the abstract base class for layers with a collection of features and their visual representation and editing (when permitted).
Class Represents a basic raster layer.
ClassRepresents a Microsoft Windows Bitmap (BMP) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents a geographic location in the map. This location can also contain a specific point in time.
ClassBuildingDisciplineSceneLayer are sublayers of a BuildingSceneLayer.
Class Class to represent the 3D model aspect of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
Class Represents an object that defines the displayed content of a view via its viewing location and viewing direction.
ClassRepresents a keyframe in the CameraTrack.
ClassA track containing a collection of CameraKeyframe objects that defines the view direction and rotation during the animation.
Class Represents a layer with a reference to a catalog dataset which contains references to multiple datasets, packages, and/or portal items. The catalog dataset items do not have to be related.
ClassRepresents an object to initialize and create a CatalogLayer with pre-defined properties.
Class Abstract base class for the different chart renderer definitions.
Class Represents an abstract class definition for class breaks renderers.
Class Represents a classification flag for a point cloud filter.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a Classify colorizer that enables you to group pixels together in a specified number of classes.
Class Provides methods for creating color.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a Colormap colorizer to apply a color map to the values in the dataset.
Class Represents the legend class for a color ramp.
Class Represents a color ramp saved in a style.
Class Represents a color saved in a style.
Class Represents an abstract class for Composite Feature Layers. Composite Feature Layers are fully fleged Feature Layers that can also have their own sublayers.
Class Represents an abstract class for a read-only collection of layers.
Class Represents an abstract class for a read-only collection of layers and display tables.
ClassRepresents a Definition query.
Class Represents a network diagram layer.
Class Represents a DimensionLayer.
Class Represents a dimension style saved in a style.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a Discrete colorizer that enables you to display your dataset using a specific number of colors, each color represents the same number of values.
Class Represents a base class layer document.
Class Represents a dot density symbol renderer definition to show quantitative values for a field as a series of pattern fills based on the field value for each polygon.
Class Represents a base class for dynamic map service and WMS.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create an elevation surface layer with pre-defined properties.
Class Represents an elevation surface layer in the map or scene.
Class Represents an elevation type definition.
ClassRepresents an Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents an ENC layer.
Class Represents a sublayer within an ENC layer.
Class Represents a subtable within an ENC layer.
ClassRepresents an Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class The abstract base class for all Exploratory Analysis types. Used to create a manage a common collection of all Exploratory Analysis objects.
Class Provides a base set of properties that all export formats inherit.
Class Represents a layer with a collection of features and their visual representation and editing (when permitted).
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a feature layer with pre-defined properties such as renderer, visibility, definition query etc..
ClassRepresents a feature sub-layer of the mosaic layer.
Class FeatureSceneLayers currently support the I3S Point and 3D Object layer types. Points must be based off 3D point data and 3D Objects must be based off multipatches.
ClassRepresents a feature sub-layer of the trajectory layer.
Class Represents a field with updatable properties.
Class Represents a building scene layer filter block.
ClassRepresents a building scene layer filter definition. A filter definition contains up to two FilterBlockDefinition - one for rendering the building as solid, one for rendering the building as a mesh (wire frame). Once you define a filter, call CreateFilter to apply it to the given building scene layer. Or use BuildingSceneLayer.UpdateFilter.
ClassRepresents a flood simulation layer.
ClassRepresents an Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents a globe service layer.
Class Represents graduated color renderer definition to show qualitative differences in feature values with a range of color.
Class Represents graduated symbol renderer definition to show qualitative differences in feature values with varying symbol sizes.
Class Graphics layers are layers that act as containers for graphics elements that can be added to a map.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a graphics layer.
Class Represents a grid saved in a style.
Class Represents a layer containing an editable collection of layers.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a group layer.
Class Represents a heat map renderer definition to draw point features as a density surface.
ClassRepresents the image sub-layer of a mosaic layer.
Class Represents an image service layer.
Class Class for visualizing accurate representations of infrastructure and natural landscapes.
ClassRepresents a Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents the base class for all keyframe types.
Class The KML layer represents a KML/KMZ file on disk or referenced by uri over a network or online.
Class A knowledge graph layer is a composite layer with a knowledge graph as its data source.
ClassRepresents an object to initialize and create a KnowledgeGraphLayer with pre-defined properties such as a filter set, visibility, etc..
ClassA collection of named object types and their corresponding list of records to represent a set of rows in a KnowledgeGraphLayer.
Class Represents a label class with labeling properties for a defined collection of features.
Class Represents a label placement saved in a style.
Class Represents a LAS dataset layer.
ClassRepresents an object to initialize and create a LasDatasetLayer with pre-defined properties.
Class Represents a class breaks renderer definition to draw points in a LAS dataset layer.
ClassFilter for display of points in a LAS dataset. See LasDatasetLayer.GetDisplayFilter and LasDatasetLayer.SetDisplayFilter.
Class Represents a LAS stretch renderer definition.
Class Represents a unique value renderer definition for a LAS dataset layer.
Class Represents the base class for all geographic data that can be added to and visualized on a map.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a layer with pre-defined properties such as minimum and maximum scales, visibility etc.
Class Represents the content of a .lyrx file that contains one or more layers, all their properties including binary references etc.
Class Represents an abstract class definition for all types of renderers/Colorizers.
Class Provides static methods to create layers.
ClassRepresents a keyframe in the LayerTrack.
Class Snap modes for a layer.
ClassA track containing a collection of LayerKeyframe objects that defines the visibility and transparency of layers during the animation.
Class Represents the legend class item for a layer on a map's TOC.
Class Represents legend group on a map's TOC.
Class Represents a legend item saved in a style.
Class Represents a legend saved in a style.
ClassLineOfSight are used to conduct visibility analysis for direct lines from an observer point to one or more targets.

An observer and one or more targets are created with lines connecting the target(s) to the observer. The line segements and targets are painted using the Visible and NotVisible colors if they can be seen by the observer of if the view is obstructed.

Lines of sight can be used to model real-world objects like visibility to points of interest or rough approximations for projectile trajectories.

ClassA class to contain the input values for SurfaceLayer.GetLineOfSight.
ClassA class to contain the results of running SurfaceLayer.GetLineOfSight
Class Represents a Link Chart Feature Layer.
Class Represents the primary object used for the organization of geographic data.
Class Provides static methods to create maps.
Class Represents a dynamic map service layer.
Class Represents the abstract base class for layers and standalone tables.
ClassA base class to create map members with pre-defined properties. Use derived classes such as LayerCreationParams, FeatureLayerCreationParams or StandaloneTableCreationParams for creation of layers and standalone tables.
Class Managed exception base class for custom ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping exceptions
Class Represents a map project item.
Class Represents a map surround saved in a style.
ClassProvides additional helper methods for TrayButton subclasses that are added to a MapView Tray.
Class Represents a view of a map (2D) or a scene (3D).
ClassImplements IMapViewOverlayControl to add an overlay control over a MapView.
Class Represents a mosaic layer.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a mosaic layer with pre-defined properties such as visibility etc..
Class Represents a symbol legend class item with several Labels.
Class Represents NetworkAnalystLayer.
Class Represents a NetworkDatasetLayer.
Class Represents a NITF feature layer.
Class Represents a NITF image layer.
Class Represents a layer containing a NITF dataset.
Class Represents a north arrow saved in a style.
ClassSupports formatting of values according to the input ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMNumberFormat
Class Represents an oriented imagery layer.
Class Represents a parcel fabric composite layer.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a parcel layer with pre-defined properties.
ClassRepresents a Portable Document Format (PDF) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents a pie chart renderer definition to show indivudal amounts by category by their relative proportion (to the total of all amounts).
ClassRepresents a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents a definition for a point cloud filter.
ClassA point cloud renderer definition for creating a ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMPointCloudRenderer.
Class Point cloud scene layers allow for fast display and consumption of large volumes of point cloud data.
Class Represents a button shown at the bottom of the pop-up window.
Class Represents the content to be displayed in a custom pop-up.
Class Describes a popup definition.
Class Indicator class for derived subtype layers.
Class Provides a base set of properties that all export formats inherit.
Class Represents a proportional renderer definition to draw features proportionally to each other.
Class Represents a range of values defined by a min and a max.
ClassRepresents an extent defined by a min and a max value.
ClassRepresents a keyframe in the RangeTrack.
ClassA track containing a collection of RangeKeyframe objects that defines the map range during the animation.
Class Represents an abstract class definition for all types of colorizer definitions.
Class Represents a raster layer.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a raster layer with pre-defined properties such as colorizer, visibility etc.
Class Represents an abstract class definition for all types of renderers.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a RGB colorizer that enables you to create composite images by loading different multispectral bands into each of the three channels: Red, Green and Blue.
Class Represents a rule package attribute and any associated annotations.
Class Contains the attributes and characteristics of a Rule package.
Class Represents a scale bar saved in a style.
Class Defines the selection environment.
Class A collection of mapMembers and their corresponding list of objectIDs to represent a set of rows or features.
Class Represents a service composite sub layer.
Class Represents base class for all service layers - dynamic, tiled, OGC.
Class Represents sub layers within a service layer.
Class Represents a service sub table within a service layer.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a ShadedRelief colorizer that enables you to display your dataset with a color 3D representation created by merging the images from the elevation-coded and hillshade methods. It uses the altitude and azimuth properties to specify the sun's position.
Class Represents simple renderer definition to draw all features in a layer with a common symbol.
ClassRepresents the base class for simulation layers.
ClassNOTE: The base class for all Slice shapes. It stores the properties that the Slice shapes have in common. You should not need to work with this class directly.

See SliceRectangle, SliceSphere, SliceCylinder, or SliceBox for a detailed summary about each Slice type.


SliceAffectedLayer objects can be used to set a layer to be included or excluded from slicing.

Use GetAllSliceLayersAsync to retrieve SliceAffectedLayer objects to work with.


SliceBox objects are used to cut away geometry in the scene to reveal hidden or obstructed data to get new perspectives of your 3D data.

SliceBox objects are well-suited for define temporary extents to reduce the amount of data on-screen.


SliceCylinder objects are used to cut away geometry in the scene to reveal hidden or obstructed data to get new perspectives of your 3D data.

SliceCylinder objects are well-suited for define temporary extents to reduce the amount of data on-screen. They can be used to model real-world scenarios like noise propagation from a highway.


SliceRectangle objects are used to cut away geometry in the scene to reveal hidden or obstructed data to get new perspectives of your 3D data.

SliceRectangle objects are well-suited for performing cross-section views of buildings with interior data or subterranean data.


SliceSphere objects are used to cut away geometry in the scene to reveal hidden or obstructed data to get new perspectives of your 3D data.

SliceSphere objects are well-suited for define temporary extents to reduce the amount of data on-screen.

ClassProvides access to the snapping environment within a Map.
ClassSnapping options for a map.
Class Represents how a vertex has been snapped in the current sketch.
Class Represents a stacked chart renderer definition to display amounts by category. Each feature is annotated with a chart that shows the amounts present in each category.
Class Represents a table without geometries that can be added to your map.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a standalone table with pre-defined properties such as a definition query.
Class Provides static methods to create StandaloneTables.
Class Represents layer with a collection of real-time features and their visual representation.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a Stretch colorizer that allows you to define the range of values to be displayed and apply a color ramp to those values.
Class Provides methods for managing styles in ArcGIS Pro projects.
Class Represents an item saved in a style.
Class Represents a style project item.
ClassRepresents an object to initialize with pre-defined properties such as renderer, visibility etc. for a sublayer and use that to create a SubtypeGroupLayer.
ClassRepresents a composite layer with a collection of feature layers for each ArcGIS.Core.Data.Subtype of its source ArcGIS.Core.Data.FeatureClass and their visual representation and editing (when permitted).
ClassRepresents an object to initialize and create a SubtypeGroupLayer with pre-defined properties such as renderer, visibility etc. for each sublayer.
Class Represents a surface layer displaying 3D analysis data in a map or scene.
Class Defines how Z values will be handled for input Geometries or their vertices that do not lie within the bounds of the input Surface.
Class Defines the result of calling Map.GetZsFromSurfaceAsync()
ClassRepresents a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Extension methods for various CIM symbol classes.
Class Provides methods for creating symbols.
Class Represents a legend class that has an associated symbol.
Class Represents a symbol saved in a style.
Class Represents a table frame field saved in a style.
Class Represents a table frame saved in a style.
Class Represents a simple renderer definition to draw dirty areas in a surface layer with a common symbol.
Class Represents a Terrain layer.
ClassRepresents an object to initialize and create a TerrainLayer with pre-defined properties.
Class Represents a class breaks renderer definition to draw terrain points in a Terrain layer.
ClassRepresents a Truevision Graphics Adaptor (TGA) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
ClassRepresents a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) object that can be used to export a MapView, MapFrame, or a Layout.
Class Represents a cached map service layer.
Class Represents a time interval defined by a positive or negative value and a unit of time.
ClassRepresents a keyframe in the TimeTrack.
ClassRepresents a set of properties for describing a time filter assigned to a MapMember.
Class Represents an extent of time defined by a start and an end time.
ClassA track containing a collection of TimeKeyframe objects that defines the map time during the animation.
Class Represents a unique value renderer definition to draw breaklines in a surface layer.
Class Represents a color ramp renderer definition to draw all objects in a surface layer.
Class Represents a renderer definition to draw contours in a surface layer.
Class Represents a simple renderer definition to draw all edges in a surface layer with a common symbol.
Class Represents a class breaks renderer definition to draw faces in a surface layer.
Class Represents a class breaks renderer definition to draw faces in a surface layer.
Class Represents a simple renderer definition to draw all faces in a surface layer with a common symbol.
Class Represents a TIN layer.
ClassRepresents an object to initialize and create a TinLayer with pre-defined properties.
Class Represents a class breaks renderer definition to draw nodes in a TIN layer.
Class Represents a simple renderer definition to draw all nodes in a surface layer with a common symbol.
ClassRepresents an abstract class definition for all types of renderers for SurfaceLayers.
Class Represents an abstract simple renderer definition to draw all objects in a surface layer with a common symbol.
Class Represents a unique value renderer definition to draw all objects in a surface layer.
Class Derive from TOCActiveMapViewProviderPane to continue to show the TOC of an associated MapView when your (derived) pane is activated. The MapView with the relevant TOC should be set in your Initialize override via the SetMapUri instance method.
Class Derive from TOCMapPaneProviderPane to impersonate a MapPane. When impersonating, the pane will show the impersonated map pane's TOC and will close automatically when the impersonated map pane is closed.
Class Represents a topology composite layer.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a topology layer with pre-defined properties.
Class Represents a trace network
Class Represents the base class for all track types.
ClassRepresents a trajectory layer.
Class Represents a button that can be added to the ArcGIS Pro Tray.
Class Represents an unclassed colors renderer definition to show qualitative differences in feature values with an evenly distributed color scheme.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a Unique Value colorizer that randomly assigns a color for each value in the dataset.
Class Represents unique value renderer definition to apply a different symbol to each category of feature within the layer based on one or more fields.
Class Represents a utility network dataset.
Class Represents a colorizer definition for a Vector Field colorizer that enables you to use a magnitude and direction component, or a U and V component to display your data.
Class Represents a vector tile layer.
Class Allows control of the frame or time along an animation for the view.
ClassView domes are used to conduct visibility analysis as a sphere extending out from an observer point. A sphere is created representing the visiblity extent. The sphere is painted to represent that parts of the sphere that are visible to the observer or obstructed.

View domes can be used to model real-world objects such as a viewing platform or a radar station.

ClassViewsheds are used to conduct visibility analysis within a view frustrum of an observer point. A wireframe of the view frustum is is created and geomtry within the frustrum is tinted to represent the features visible to the observer or obstructed.

Viewsheds can be used to model real-world objects like cameras, human patrol agents, or radar stations.

Class A voxel layer represents multidimensional spatial and temporal information in a 3D volumetric visualization.
Class Represents an object to initialize and create a voxel layer.
Class Represents an object used to represent a voxel layer variable.
Class Represents a OGC WMS layer.
Class Represents a WMS sublayer.
Interface Represents a Data Source node in the "List By Data Source" TOC view
Interface Provides access to members to query and select features or rows, and access to underlying table.
Interface Element interface that works on layout or map graphic layers.
InterfaceIdentifies the implementor of being the parent of one or more Elements
Interface Provides read-only access to layers inside the layer container.
Interface Provides access to layers inside the layer container to modify
Interface Implemented by items that can be added to a map.
Interface Represents a pane which contains a map view.
InterfaceImplement to add an overlay control over a MapView or use MapViewOverlayControl.
Interface Indicates if metadata can be retrieved from a source (other than itself - eg an underlying dataset)
Interface Provides read-only access to StandaloneTables inside the container
Interface Provides access to StandaloneTables inside the container to modify
Interface Defines required properties and methods for interacting with definition filters
Interface Interface to the table pane.
Interface Provides read-only access to layers that are a topology layer container.
Interface Provides access to map member content dragged off the TOC.
Enumeration Specifies the basemap type.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for GIF.
Enumeration Specifies whether the camera XYZ defines the coordinate you are looking from or looking at.
Enumeration Specifies the orientation of a chart.
Enumeration Refers to application option that have a choice when datasource is deleted
Enumeration Refers to application option that have a choice when datasource is renamed
Enumeration Specifies the CIMColor color space.
Enumeration Enumeration to represent options for classification flags for a point cloud filter.
Enumeration An enumeration to represent classification codes for a point cloud filter.
Enumeration An enumeration to represent classification flags for a point cloud filter.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for export files.
Enumeration Specifies the color ramp type.
Enumeration Specifies MapMember's connection status.
Enumeration The diagram consistency state of a diagram layer.

Defines the type of drawing outline for a feature.

Enumeration Specifies the server capability.
Enumeration Specifies the different output file options for map series export.
Enumeration Specifies the export page options.
Enumeration Specifies a valid list of aggregation types.
EnumerationSpecifies a valid list of renderer objects that can exist on a FeatureLayer.
Enumeration An enumeration to represent the scene layer type.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for GIF.
Enumeration Specifies the compression scheme used to compress image or raster data in the output file.
Enumeration Specifies the output image quality of map layers that draw as images.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for JPEG.
EnumerationUsed to define a KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet. See KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromKnowledgeGraph.
Enumeration Specifies the label engine type.
EnumerationAttributes used to define a ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLASUniqueValueRenderer.
EnumerationCoarse grained filter for display of points in a LAS dataset. See LasDatasetLayer.SetDisplayFilter.
EnumerationLayer cache type. Use with Layer.SetCacheOptions to control layer caching options.
Enumeration Specifies the available elevation modes or "types" for layers.
Enumeration Specifies the inclusion of PDF layer and PDF object data (attributes) in the export file.
Enumeration Describes the status of a layer's legend.

Defines the method used to link multiple 2D and 3D views together.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Enumeration The output map conversion type for use with MapFactory conversion methods.
Enumeration Specifies the position at which a layer or standalone table should be inserted into a container.
Enumeration List of valid exception types.
EnumerationSpecifies which edges to maintain distance from when the MapView is resized.
Enumeration PDF security encryption options.
Enumeration PDF security permissions.
Enumeration Specifies the orientation of the pie.
Enumeration Specifies the different sizing options for pie chart renderers.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for PNG.
EnumerationIdentifies the different renderer types available for PointCloudSceneLayer.
Enumeration Specifies the type of raster colorizer.
Enumeration An enumeration to represent the scene layer data source type.
Enumeration Specifies a valid list of scene layer types.
Enumeration Define combination methods for selection operations. They determine how the selection performed will combine with an existing selection.
Enumeration Defines the spatial relations used to select features.
Enumeration Specifies simple shape of 3D marker.
Enumeration Specifies simple fill style.
Enumeration Specifies simple line style.
Enumeration Specifies simple shape of marker.
EnumerationSpecifies simple stipple patterns. Used to construct a stipple polygon symbole. See SymbolFactory.ConstructPolygonSymbol, SymbolFactory.ConstructPolygonSymbol or SymbolFactory.ConstructPolygonSymbol.
Enumeration Specifies the shape of the geometry used in a sketch.
Enumeration Specifies the mode for which the sketch will be created.
Enumeration Defines on which side of a SliceRectangle should geometry be cut away.
Enumeration Defines on which side of a Slice 3D volume should geometry be cut away.
EnumerationSpecifies the available snap modes for a Map.
Enumeration Specifies the possible snap types.
Enumeration Specifies the different sizing options for stack chart renderers.
Enumeration Represents standard deviation interval for class breaks renderer definition.
Enumeration Specifies the type of StyleItem.
EnumerationSpecifies a valid list of renderer categories that a ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMTinRenderer might be applicable for. See SurfaceLayer.CanSetRenderer and SurfaceLayer.SetRenderer.
EnumerationDefines the status types resulting from calling Map.GetZsFromSurfaceAsync(). See SurfaceZsResult
Enumeration Specifies the style of the symbol patch for a symbol preview.
Enumeration Table pane view mode.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for TGA.
Enumeration Specifies the number of bits used to describe color for TIFF.
Enumeration Specifies a compression scheme to be applied.
EnumerationSpecifies a time interval type. Used with TimeParameters.TimeIntervalType when setting or getting a map member's time filter. See MapMember.SetTime.
Enumeration Specifies the unit of time.
EnumerationSpecifies the types of TrayButton that can be added to the ArcGIS Pro Tray.
See Also