ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Arcade Namespace / ArcadeEvaluator Class / Evaluate Method
Supported types
Example Version

Evaluate Method (ArcadeEvaluator)
Evaluates the expression given the profile variable set. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
Exception thrown when a profile variable is invalid
Exception thrown when the expression evaluation has failed
This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run.
The profile variables that can be used to evaluate a given expression are controlled by the selected ArcadeProfile used to create the evaluator. Refer to Arcade Profiles for a complete list of the supported profile variables for each arcade profile.
Basic Query
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //construct an expression
  var query = @"Count($layer)";//count of features in "layer"

  //construct a CIMExpressionInfo
  var arcade_expr = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = query.ToString(),
    //Return type can be string, numeric, or default
    //When set to default, addin is responsible for determining
    //the return type
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default

  //Construct an evaluator
  //select the relevant profile - it must support Pro and it must
  //contain any profile variables you are using in your expression.
  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                          arcade_expr, ArcadeProfile.Popups))
    //Provision  values for any profile variables referenced...
    //in our case '$layer'
    var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
        new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$layer", featLayer)
    //evaluate the expression
      var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Result: {result.ToString()}");
    //handle any exceptions
    catch (InvalidProfileVariableException ipe)
      //something wrong with the profile variable specified
    catch (EvaluationException ee)
      //something wrong with the query evaluation

Basic Query using Features
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //construct an expression
  var query = @"$feature.AreaInAcres * 43560.0";//convert acres to ft 2

  //construct a CIMExpressionInfo
  var arcade_expr = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = query.ToString(),
    //Return type can be string, numeric, or default
    //When set to default, addin is responsible for determining
    //the return type
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default

  //Construct an evaluator
  //select the relevant profile - it must support Pro and it must
  //contain any profile variables you are using in your expression.
  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                          arcade_expr, ArcadeProfile.Popups))
    //we are evaluating the expression against all features
    using (var rc = featLayer.Search())

      while (rc.MoveNext())
        //Provision  values for any profile variables referenced...
        //in our case '$feature'
        var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
          new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$feature", rc.Current)
        //evaluate the expression (per feature in this case)
          var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
          var val = ((double)result).ToString("0.0#");
            $"{rc.Current.GetObjectID()} area: {val} ft2");
        //handle any exceptions
        catch (InvalidProfileVariableException ipe)
          //something wrong with the profile variable specified
        catch (EvaluationException ee)
          //something wrong with the query evaluation
Retrieve features using FeatureSetByName
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

var map = MapView.Active.Map;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //construct a query
  var query = new StringBuilder();
  var layer_name = "USA Current Wildfires - Current Incidents";
    $"var features = FeatureSetByName($map,'{layer_name}', ['*'], false);");
  query.AppendLine("return Count(features);");

  //construct a CIMExpressionInfo
  var arcade_expr = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = query.ToString(),
    //Return type can be string, numeric, or default
    //When set to default, addin is responsible for determining
    //the return type
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default

  //Construct an evaluator
  //select the relevant profile - it must support Pro and it must
  //contain any profile variables you are using in your expression.
  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                          arcade_expr, ArcadeProfile.Popups))
    //Provision  values for any profile variables referenced...
    //in our case '$map'
    var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
        new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$map", map)
    //evaluate the expression
      var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Result: {result.ToString()}");
    //handle any exceptions
    catch (InvalidProfileVariableException ipe)
      //something wrong with the profile variable specified
    catch (EvaluationException ee)
      //something wrong with the query evaluation
Retrieve features using Filter
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //construct a query
  var query = new StringBuilder();
    "var features = Filter($layer, 'DailyAcres is not NULL');");
  query.AppendLine("return Count(features);");

  //construct a CIMExpressionInfo
  var arcade_expr = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = query.ToString(),
    //Return type can be string, numeric, or default
    //When set to default, addin is responsible for determining
    //the return type
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default

  //Construct an evaluator
  //select the relevant profile - it must support Pro and it must
  //contain any profile variables you are using in your expression.
  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                          arcade_expr, ArcadeProfile.Popups))
    //Provision  values for any profile variables referenced...
    //in our case '$layer'
    var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
        new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$layer", featLayer)
    //evaluate the expression
      var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Result: {result.ToString()}");
    //handle any exceptions
    catch (InvalidProfileVariableException ipe)
      //something wrong with the profile variable specified
    catch (EvaluationException ee)
      //something wrong with the query evaluation
Calculate basic statistics with Math functions
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //construct a query
  var query = new StringBuilder();

  query.AppendLine("var features = Filter($layer, 'DailyAcres is not NULL');");

  query.AppendLine("var count_feat = Count(features);");
  query.AppendLine("var sum_feat = Sum(features, 'DailyAcres');");
  query.AppendLine("var max_feat = Max(features, 'DailyAcres');");
  query.AppendLine("var min_feat = Min(features, 'DailyAcres');");
  query.AppendLine("var avg_feat = Average(features, 'DailyAcres');");

  query.AppendLine("var answer = [count_feat, sum_feat, max_feat, min_feat, avg_feat]");
  query.AppendLine("return Concatenate(answer,'|');");

  //construct a CIMExpressionInfo
  var arcade_expr = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = query.ToString(),
    //Return type can be string, numeric, or default
    //When set to default, addin is responsible for determining
    //the return type
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default

  //Construct an evaluator
  //select the relevant profile - it must support Pro and it must
  //contain any profile variables you are using in your expression.
  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                          arcade_expr, ArcadeProfile.Popups))
    //Provision  values for any profile variables referenced...
    //in our case '$layer'
    var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
        new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$layer", featLayer)
    //evaluate the expression
      var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Result: {result.ToString()}");
    //handle any exceptions
    catch (InvalidProfileVariableException ipe)
      //something wrong with the profile variable specified
    catch (EvaluationException ee)
      //something wrong with the query evaluation
Using FeatureSet functions Filter and Intersects
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

var map = MapView.Active.Map;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //construct a query
  var query = new StringBuilder();

  //Assume we have two layers - Oregon Counties (poly) and Crimes (points). Crimes
  //is from the Pro SDK community sample data.
  //Select all crime points within the relevant county boundaries and sum the count
  query.AppendLine("var results = [];");

  query.AppendLine("var counties = FeatureSetByName($map, 'Oregon_Counties', ['*'], true);");

  query.AppendLine("var sel_counties = Filter(counties, 'DHS_Districts IN (2, 15, 16)');");

  query.AppendLine("for(var county in sel_counties) {");
  query.AppendLine("   var name = county.County_Name;");
  query.AppendLine("   var cnt_crime = Count(Intersects($layer, Geometry(county)));");
  query.AppendLine("   Insert(results, 0, cnt_crime);");
  query.AppendLine("   Insert(results, 0, name);");

  query.AppendLine("return Concatenate(results,'|');");

  //construct a CIMExpressionInfo
  var arcade_expr = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = query.ToString(),
    //Return type can be string, numeric, or default
    //When set to default, addin is responsible for determining
    //the return type
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default

  //Construct an evaluator
  //select the relevant profile - it must support Pro and it must
  //contain any profile variables you are using in your expression.
  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                          arcade_expr, ArcadeProfile.Popups))
    //Provision  values for any profile variables referenced...
    //in our case '$layer' and '$map'
    var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
        new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$layer", crimes_layer),
        new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$map", map)
    //evaluate the expression
      var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();

      var results = result.ToString().Split('|', StringSplitOptions.None);
      var entries = results.Length / 2;
      int i = 0;
      for (var e = 0; e < entries; e++)
        var name = results[i++];
        var count = results[i++];
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"'{name}' crime count: {count}");
    //handle any exceptions
    catch (InvalidProfileVariableException ipe)
      //something wrong with the profile variable specified
    catch (EvaluationException ee)
      //something wrong with the query evaluation
Evaluating an Arcade Labelling Expression
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

var map = MapView.Active.Map;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Assume we a layer - Oregon County (poly) that has an arcade labelling
  //expression and we want to evaluate that interactively...
  var def = oregon_cnts.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer;
  //Get the label class
  var label_class = def.LabelClasses
                     .FirstOrDefault(lc => {
                       return lc.Name == "Arcade_Example_1" &&
                              lc.ExpressionEngine == LabelExpressionEngine.Arcade;
  if (label_class == null)

  //evaluate the label expression against the features
  var expr_info = new CIMExpressionInfo()
    Expression = label_class.Expression,
    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.String

  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                                            expr_info, ArcadeProfile.Labeling))
    //loop through the features
    using (var rc = oregon_cnts.Search())
      while (rc.MoveNext())
        var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
          new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$feature", rc.Current)
        var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
           $"[{rc.Current.GetObjectID()}]: {result}");
Evaluating Arcade Visual Variable Expressions on a Renderer
//Consult and
// for more examples
//and arcade reference

var mv = MapView.Active;
var map = mv.Map;

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Assume we a layer - Oregon County (poly) that is using Visual Variable
  //expressions that we want to evaluate interactively...
  var def = oregon_cnts.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer;

  //Most all feature renderers have a VisualVariable collection
  var renderer = def.Renderer as CIMUniqueValueRenderer;
  var vis_variables = renderer.VisualVariables?.ToList() ??
                        new List<CIMVisualVariable>();
  if (vis_variables.Count == 0)
    return;//there are none
  var vis_var_with_expr = new Dictionary<string, string>();
  //see if any are using expressions
  foreach (var vv in vis_variables)
    if (vv is CIMColorVisualVariable cvv)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression))
        vis_var_with_expr.Add("Color", cvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression);
    else if (vv is CIMTransparencyVisualVariable tvv)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression))
        vis_var_with_expr.Add("Transparency", tvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression);
    else if (vv is CIMSizeVisualVariable svv)
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(svv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression))
        vis_var_with_expr.Add("Outline", svv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression);
  if (vis_var_with_expr.Count == 0)
    return;//there arent any with expressions

  //loop through the features (outer)
  //per feature evaluate each visual variable.... (inner)
  //the converse is to loop through the expressions (outer)
  //then per feature evaluate the expression (inner)
  using (var rc = oregon_cnts.Search())
    while (rc.MoveNext())
      foreach (var kvp in vis_var_with_expr)
        var expr_info = new CIMExpressionInfo()
          Expression = kvp.Value,
          ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default
        //per feature eval each expression...
        using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
                                    expr_info, ArcadeProfile.Visualization))

          var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
            new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$feature", rc.Current)
          //note 2D maps can also have view scale...
          //...if necessary...
          if (mv.ViewingMode == MapViewingMode.Map)
            variables.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(
              "$view.scale", mv.Camera.Scale));
          var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult().ToString();
             $"[{rc.Current.GetObjectID()}] '{kvp.Key}': {result}");

  ////foreach (var kvp in vis_var_with_expr)
  ////  var expr_info = new CIMExpressionInfo()
  ////  {
  ////    Expression = kvp.Value,
  ////    ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default
  ////  };

  ////  using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
  ////                                  expr_info, ArcadeProfile.Visualization))
  ////  {
  ////    //loop through the features
  ////    using (var rc = oregon_cnts.Search())
  ////    {
  ////      while (rc.MoveNext())
  ////      {
  ////        var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
  ////          new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$feature", rc.Current)
  ////        };

  ////        var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
  ////        //output
  ////        //...
  ////      }
  ////    }
  ////  }

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3.2 or higher.
See Also