ParallelOffset.Builder Class Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by ParallelOffset.Builder.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | AlignConnected | Gets and sets If two or more connected lines should have their direction temporarily aligned for the purposes of the copy. (Default value = false) |
 | CopyToSeparateFeatures | Gets and sets if connected lines should be copied to separate lines. (Default value = false). |
 | Corner | Gets and sets the shape of corners created in the copied lines. (Default value = ParallelOffset.CornerType.Mitered) |
 | Distance | Gets and sets the offset distance in map units. (Default value = 0) |
 | Iterations | Gets and sets the number of parallel offset copies to create. (Default value = 1) |
 | RemoveSelfIntersectingLoops | Gets and sets if self intersecting loops should be removed in the copied features. (Default value = True) |
 | Selection | Gets and sets the lines to be copied from. |
 | Side | Gets and sets on which side of selected lines the offset lines will be copied. (Default value = ParallelOffset.SideType.Both) |
 | Template | Gets and sets the template to create the copies in. |
Public Methods
See Also