CIMChartLineSymbolProperties Class
Provides access to members that control properties of the line
Create a line chart with custom time binning and style
// For more information on the chart CIM specification:
// Define fields names used in chart parameters.
const string dateField = "last_review";
const string numericField = "price";
var lyrsLine = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
var lyrLine = lyrsLine.First();
var lyrDefLine = lyrLine.GetDefinition();
// Define line chart CIM properties
var lineChart = new CIMChart
Name = "lineChart",
GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties
Title = $"Line chart for {dateField} summarized by {numericField}",
Series = new CIMChartSeries[]
new CIMChartLineSeries {
UniqueName = "lineChartSeries",
Name = $"Sum({numericField})",
// Specify date field and numeric field
Fields = new string[] { dateField, numericField },
// Specify aggregation type
FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "SUM" },
// Specify custom time bin of 6 months
TimeAggregationType = ChartTimeAggregationType.EqualIntervalsFromStartTime,
TimeIntervalSize = 6.0,
TimeIntervalUnits = esriTimeUnits.esriTimeUnitsMonths,
// NOTE: When setting custom time binning, be sure to set CalculateAutomaticTimeInterval = false
CalculateAutomaticTimeInterval = false,
// Define custom line color
ColorType = ChartColorType.CustomColor,
LineSymbolProperties = new CIMChartLineSymbolProperties {
Style = ChartLineDashStyle.DashDot,
Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 },
MarkerSymbolProperties = new CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties
Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 }
// Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist)
var newChartsLine = new CIMChart[] { lineChart };
var allChartsLine = (lyrDefLine == null) ? newChartsLine : lyrDefLine.Charts.Concat(newChartsLine);
// Add CIM chart to layer defintion
lyrDefLine.Charts = allChartsLine.ToArray();
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.