ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.CIM Namespace / GeometricEffectControlMeasureLineRule Enumeration

GeometricEffectControlMeasureLineRule Enumeration
Specifies the rules to transform the input ground control points given as a line.
public enum GeometricEffectControlMeasureLineRule : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable, System.ISpanFormattable  
Arc90Degrees 90 degree arc with ends at vertex 1 and vertex 2. Vertex 3 determines the side of the curve.
Arch 3 point arched line between vertex 1 and vertex 2. Vertex 3 determines the depth of the arch.
Chevron Chevron with apex at vertex 1 and ends at vertex 2 and vertex 3.
ChevronArrow Chevron arrow centered on vertex 1.
ChevronArrowOffset Chevron arrow centered on vertex 1 offset towards vertex 2.
CircleWithArc Circle centered on vertex 1 with attached arc. Vertex 3 determines the side of the 90 degree arc. If 3 points, vertex 2 determines the length of the arc. If 4 points, vertex 2 determines the radius of the circle and vertex 4 determines the length of the arc.
ClosedHalfCircle Semi-circle with vertex 1 and vertex 2 at the corners.
CoverageEdgesWithTicks Lines between vertex 1 to vertex 3 and vertex 2 to vertex 4. Angled ticks at the end of the lines and vertex 1 and vertex 2.
CrossedArrow Multipoint arrow. Vertex 1 sets the tip and vertex N the width and back of the arrowhead. Crossed at midpoint between vertex 1 and vertex 2.
CurvedParallelTicks Curved line with ticks. Curve begins on vertex 2 and ends on vertex 3. Ticks on opposite side of vertex 1.
DoubleJog Two lines with jogs with gap in between. If there is 3 points the gap is centered on vertex. If 4 points the gap is defined by second segment.
DoublePerpendicular Two lines perpendicular to the first segment. Length of the lines is determined by vertex 3.
FullGeometry Default: returns the input line.
GapExtentMidline Line centered between first and third segment.
GapExtentWithDoubleTicks Two lines with angled ticks on end. Lines created between first and third segments.
HalfCircleExtended U shaped line with curve between vertex 2 and vertex 3. Control points on vertex 1 and vertex 3.
HalfCircleFirstSegment Half circle centered on the midpoint of first segment. Orientation is opposite vertex 3.
HalfCircleSecondSegment Half circle ending on vertex 2 opposite vertex 1. Diameter is defined by vertex 3.
LineExcludingLastSegment Line between vertex 1 and vertex N-1.
MultivertexArrow Multipoint arrow. Vertex 1 sets the tip and vertex N the width and back of the arrowhead.
OffsetOpposite Single line offset from first segment. Offset to opposite side as vertex 3.
OffsetSame Single line offset from first segment. Offset to same side as vertex 3.
OpenCircle 330 degrees circle centered on vertex 1 starting at vertex 2.
OppositeToFirstSegment Lines perpendicular to vertex 3 and the midpoint of the first segment with the length determined by first segment.
Parallel Line between vertex 1 and vertex 2 with a parallel line placed at the width defined by vertex 3.
ParallelOffset Parallels lines offset from first segment. Offset determined by vertex 3.
ParallelWithTicks Line with angled ticks on ends between vertex 1 and vertex 2 with a mirrored parallel line placed at the width defined by vertex 3.
PartialFirstSegment Line along first segment, starting at vertex 2 extending in the direction and length of vertex 3.
PerpendicularFromFirstSegment Third vertex to first segment midpoint.
PerpendicularOffset Line perpendicular from midpoint of second segment. End point is offset from second segment. Vertex 1 sets length of line.
PerpendicularToFirstSegment Line perpendicular to the midpoint of first segment. Length X% longer than vertex 2-vertex 3.
PerpendicularToSecondSegment Second segment midpoint to first vertex.
PerpendicularWithArc Line between vertex 1 and vertex 2 with arc off of vertex 2. Cross line is perpendicular to vertex 3.
ReversedFirstSegment Line between vertex 2 and vertex 1. Line begins at vertex 2.
SecondSegmentWithTicks Line between vertex 2 and vertex 3 with ticks on ends.
TipWithPerpendicularAndTicks Dynamic line perpendicular to segment 1, center on vertex 1 and offset towards vertex 2 with ticks.
TripleParallelExtended Three parallel lines of varying length connected to a base line. The base defined by first segment. Vertex 3 is the end of the longest line.
TriplePerpendicular Three lines perpendicular to the first segment. Length of the lines is determined by vertex 3. Top and bottom lines stop at 80% of first segment.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also