| Name | Description |
 | ActivateMoveAfterPaste |
Gets and sets if Move tool is to be activated after all paste operations.
 | AllowMergeToCreateNonPlanarPolygons |
Gets and sets whether the merge tool merges z-aware polygons
when they overlap.
 | AllowVertexEditingWhileSketching |
Gets and sets whether vertex editing is allowed while sketching.
 | AnnotationFollowMode |
Gets and sets the feature linked annotation follow mode. This describes how new annotation aligns to the line or boundary feature it is following.
 | AnnotationPlacementMode |
Gets and sets the feature linked annotation placement mode for new annotation relative to the direction of the line or boundary feature it is following.
 | AutomaticallyFollowLinkedLineFeatures |
Gets and sets whether feature linked annotation automatically follows linked line features.
 | AutomaticallyFollowLinkedPolygonFeatures |
Gets and sets whether feature linked annotation automatically follows linked polygon features.
 | AutomaticallySaveEdits |
Gets and sets whether edits are to be automatically saved.
 | AutoSaveByTime | Gets and sets whether edits are to be saved by time or operation when AutomaticallySaveEdits is true. |
 | DeactivateToolOnSaveOrDiscard |
Gets and sets whether the active editing tool is deactivated when saving or discarding edits.
 | DragSketch |
Gets and sets the sketch behavior on a touch pad (click + drag vs click-drag-click)
 | EnableControlPoints |
Gets and sets whether to enable control points on the sketch
 | EnableEditingFromEditTab |
Gets and sets whether editing can be enabled and disabled from the Edit tab.
 | EnableStereoEscape |
Gets and sets whether the Escape key is enabled as a shortcut to cancel the active tool in Stereo maps.
 | EnforceAttributeValidation |
Gets and sets whether attribute validation is enforced.
 | FinishSketchOnDoubleClick |
Gets and sets whether double-click is enabled as a shortcut for Finish when sketching.
 | InitializeDefaultValuesOnSubtypeChange |
Gets and sets whether default values are initialized on a subtype change.
 | IsDeflectionDefaultDirectionConstraint |
Gets and sets whether Deflection is the default direction constraint. Set to false for Absolute to be the default direction constraint.
 | IsDirectionDefaultInputConstraint |
Gets and sets whether Direction is the default constraint for input mode. Set to false for Distance to be the default constraint for input mode.
 | MagnifyToolbar |
Gets and sets whether the editing toolbar is magnified.
 | NewLayersEditable |
Gets and sets whether newly added layers are editable by default.
 | SaveEditsInterval | Gets and sets the time interval (in minutes) after which edits will be saved if AutomaticallySaveEdits is true and AutoSaveByTime is true. |
 | SaveEditsOnProjectSave |
Gets and sets whether edits are saved when saving project.
 | SaveEditsOperations | Gets and sets the number of operations after which edits will be saved if AutomaticallySaveEdits is true and AutoSaveByTime is false. |
 | ShowDeleteDialog |
Gets and sets whether the dialog to confirm deletes is displayed.
 | ShowDiscardEditsDialog |
Gets and sets whether the dialog to confirm discard edits is displayed.
 | ShowDynamicConstraints |
Gets and sets whether dynamic constraints are displayed in the map
 | ShowEditingToolbar |
Gets and sets whether the editing toolbar is visible.
 | ShowFeatureSketchSymbology |
Gets and sets whether feature symbology is displayed in the sketch.
 | ShowSaveEditsDialog |
Gets and sets whether the dialog to confirm save edits is displayed.
 | StretchGeometry |
Gets and sets whether geometry is stretched proportionately when moving a vertex.
 | StretchTopology |
Gets and sets whether topology is stretched proportionately when moving a topology element.
 | ToolbarPosition |
Gets and sets the editing toolbar position.
 | ToolbarSize |
Gets and sets the editing toolbar size.
 | UncommitedAttributeEdits |
Gets and sets the uncommitted attribute edits setting.
 | UncommitedGeometryEdits |
Gets and sets the uncommitted geometry edits setting.
 | UseAnnotationPlacementProperties |
Gets and sets whether feature linked annotation uses placement properties defined in the annotation class.
 | WarnOnSubtypeChange |
Gets and sets whether a warning is displayed when subtypes are changed.