Delete Reviewer Session (Data Reviewer)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive


Permanently deletes one or more sessions and all related records from a Reviewer workspace.

A Reviewer session is used to store and manage the results of your data analysis throughout the life cycle of an anomaly. It allows you to organize the results discovered from running batch jobs and visual inspections.


  • The Reviewer Workspace can be stored in enterprise, file, or personal geodatabases.

  • When deleting a session from an enterprise geodatabase, connect to the Reviewer Workspace using the same version used when the session was created.

  • Use the Create Reviewer Session tool to create sessions.


LabelExplanationData Type
Reviewer Workspace

The workspace from which the Reviewer session will be deleted.


The Reviewer session identifier and name. The session must exist in the Reviewer workspace, for example, Session 1 : data_qc.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Delete Reviewer Session Succeeded

The result of the delete operation.



Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Data Reviewer
  • Standard: Requires Data Reviewer
  • Advanced: Requires Data Reviewer

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