110438: Cross-Validation was not possible because the resulting groups did not meet the minimum requirements to fit a model.

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Help archive


Cross validation could not be calculated for the groups. This is most common when the number of background locations exceeds the number of presence locations. This error can occur for the following reasons:

  • A training subset in the cross-validation groups did not have at least five features.
  • A training subset in the cross-validation groups did not have at least two presence points and two background points.
  • A training subset in the cross-validation groups had a categorical variable without at least two features in each category.
  • A training subset in the cross-validation groups had a continuous variable with all the same value.


Depending on the reason for the error, increase or decrease the value of the Number of Groups parameter, or reduce the number of background locations in the model.