Topographic Production toolbox licensing

Cartography toolset
Banding toolset
Generate Elevation Bands Requires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
Generate Elevation Bands From Features Requires Production Mapping
Cartographic Refinement toolset
Apply Building Offsets Requires Production Mapping
Apply Masks From Rules Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Apply Visual Specification To Map Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Calculate Bridge Offsets Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Make Masks From Rules Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Thin Spot Heights Requires Production Mapping
Features toolset
Calculate Magnetic Components Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Calculate Max Elevation Figures Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Generate Adjoining Sheets Features Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Generate Elevation Guide Features Requires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
Generate Location Diagram Features Requires Production Mapping
Generate Spot Heights Requires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
Generate Topographic Contours Requires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
Identify Contours Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Validate Spot Heights Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Layout toolset
Generate Product Layout Requires Production Mapping and Spatial AnalystRequires Production Mapping and Spatial Analyst
Make Grids And Graticules Layer Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Populate Map Sheet Info Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Data Management toolset
Features toolset
Apply Feature Level Metadata Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Calculate Default Values Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Calculate Metrics

Some parameters require the Spatial Analyst extension—see the tool reference page for more detail.

Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Merge Lines By Pseudo Node Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Remove Cutback Vertices Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Repair Self Intersection Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Split Features Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Update GeoNames Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Generalization toolset
Eliminate Polygon Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Export Generalized Data Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Fill Gaps Requires Production Mapping
Identify Narrow Polygons Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Import Generalization Data Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Polygon To Centerline Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Remove Small Lines Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Set Line Direction Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Thin Hydrology Lines Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Geodatabase toolset
Create Cross-Reference Geodatabase Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Export MGCP Metadata Requires Defense MappingRequires Defense Mapping
Extract Data By Feature Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Generate Excel From Geodatabase Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Generate Geodatabase From Excel Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Geodatabase To Shape Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
GeoNames To Geodatabase Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Import MGCP Metadata Requires Defense MappingRequires Defense Mapping
Load Data Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Unzip MGCP Cell And Import Requires Defense MappingRequires Defense Mapping
Topology toolset
Export Topology Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Import Topology Requires Production MappingRequires Production Mapping
Validation toolset
GAIT Requires Defense MappingRequires Defense Mapping
Workflow toolset
Data Management toolset
Copy Job Files Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Create Task Group Jobs Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Get Features By Job AOI Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Set Task Group Dependencies Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Update Task Group Metrics Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Properties toolset
Copy Extended Properties Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Set Data Workspace Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Set Production Properties Requires Production Mapping and Data Reviewer and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Data Reviewer and Workflow Manager
Update Extended Property Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Tasks toolset
Cancel Remaining Tasks Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Create Job For Task Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Insert Task Group Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Set Next Task Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Set Task List Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager
Set Task Status Requires Production Mapping and Workflow ManagerRequires Production Mapping and Workflow Manager