Working with multidimensional raster data can be challenging, especially when you have many slices of data and multiple variables. Using the Multidimensional tab, you can visualize the data and perform analysis.
Work with the Multidimensional tab
The Multidimensional tab is enabled when you load a multidimensional dataset into a map and select it in the Contents pane. When the Multidimensional tab is enabled for a multidimensional raster layer or a multidimensional mosaic layer, it provides tools and functionality to work with multidimensional raster data. The tab contains tools that allow you to manipulate the spatial and dimensional data, display the slice in the map view, open the temporal profile chart, and perform data management and analysis.

Multidimensional Extent
Use the Configure Extent tool in the Multidimensional Extent group to limit the variables, dimension extent, and area of interest you want to view and process for the multidimensional layer selected in the Contents pane. Select the variable or variables to view in the Variables drop-down list, and use the Area of Interest drop-down menu to limit the spatial extent of the layer you are viewing. Use the Start and End values to limit the dimension extents.
The extent values are used in geoprocessing tools. For example, if you choose to view two of four possible variables, and you select a six-month period from five years of data, any geoprocessing tool that references the active multidimensional layer limits processing to the two variables over six months. Additionally, the multidimensional extent is reflected in the time slider and range slider for the active layer.

More options for defining the multidimensional extent are available using the Multidimensional Raster function in the Data Management group.
Current Display Slice
Use the Current Display Slice group to change the slice you are viewing on the map. If the data has multiple non-time dimensions, choose the dimension names in the drop-down list and set the dimension values accordingly. You can also animate slices along a dimension using the Play Slices Along button . The slices are limited by the extents set in the Multidimensional Extent group.

The Analysis group provides access to tools and functions for processing the multidimensional data. Click the Temporal Profile button to create a new temporal profile chart for the multidimensional raster layer. Click the buttons in the Analysis gallery to open geoprocessing tools to analyze the multidimensional raster. Use the Summary Statistics gallery to calculate one of many summary statistics options, generating a new temporary layer on the map.

The tools Summary Statistics gallery requires the ArcGIS Image Analyst or the Spatial Analyst extension. The tools in the Analysis gallery require the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension. Some Analysis tools are also available with the Spatial Analyst extension. The temporal profile does not require an additional license.
Data Management
Use the Data Management drop-down menu to choose from a list of geoprocessing tools that manage or create multidimensional data. For example, use the Subset Multidimensional Raster tool to create a multidimensional raster that is a subset of the current layer.

The tools available on the Data Management drop-down menu are contextual. If you are working with a multidimensional mosaic dataset or a layer generated from a NetCDF, HDF, or GRIB file, only the Make Multidimensional Raster Layer tool and the Subset Multidimensional Raster tool are available. If you are working with a multidimensional Cloud Raster Format (.crf) file, you can also use the Build Multidimensional Transpose tool and the Manage Multidimensional Raster tool.