In ArcGIS, a raster type is used when adding data to a mosaic dataset. The purpose of each raster type is to identify and extract image metadata, also known as image support data (ISD). The ISD is used to support catalog querying and provide the path to pixel data to support visualization and analysis. For example, the ISD for the NITF raster type is stored in the footprint attribute table of the mosaic dataset.

NITF raster type schema
The mosaic dataset footprint attribute table, for the NITF raster type schema, includes the following NITF-specific fields:
Field name | Alias | Value | Data type |
FileID | File ID | NITF: FTITLE | Text (80) |
ImageID | Image ID | NITF: IID2 | Text (80) |
ImageKey | Image Key | NITF: IID1 | Text (80) |
Format | File Format | NITF: FHDR | Text (12) |
FormatVer | File Version | NITF: FVER | Text (12) |
Originator | Originator | NITF: ONAME | Text (24) |
OriginatorPhone | Originator Phone | NITF: OPHONE | Text (18) |
SecurityClassification | Security Classification | NITF: FSCLAS | Text (1) |
ClassificationSystem | Classification System | NITF: FSCLSY | Text (2) |
ClassificationCodewords | Classification Codewords | NITF: FSCODE | Text (40) |
ClassificationControl | Classification Control | NITF: FSCTLH | Text (40) |
ClassificationRelease | Classification Release | NITF: FSREL | Text (40) |
Bands | Bands | NITF: NBANDS | Long |
ImageRepresentation | Image Representation | NITF: IREP | Text (50) |
ImageCategory | Image Category | NITF: ICAT | Text (50) |
TargetID | Target ID | NITF: TGTID | Text (50) |
ImageSource | Image Source | NITF: ISOURCE | Text (50) |
Mission | Mission | NITF: MISSION | Text (50) |
CircularError | Circular Error | NITF: CIRCL_ERR | Double |
LinearError | Linear Error | NITF: LINEAR_ERR | Double |
SensorMode | Sensor Mode | NITF: SENSMODE | Text (14) |
MeanGSD | Mean GSD | NITF: MEANGSD | Double |
AcquisitionDate | Acquisition Date | NITF: ACQUISITION_DATE | Date |
SensorName | Sensor Name | NITF: SENSNAME | Text (14) |
CloudCover | Cloud Cover | NITF: CLOUDCVR | Double |
SunAzimuth | Sun Azimuth | NITF: SUN_AZIMUTH | Double |
SunElevation | Sun Elevation | NITF: SUN_ELEVATION | Double |
SatAzimuth | Sat Azimuth | NITF: SAT_AZIMUTH | Double |
SatElevation | Sat Elevation | NITF: AZ_OF_OBLIQUITY | Double |
OffNadir | Off Nadir | NITF: OBLIQUITY ANGLE | Double |
Add NITF files to a mosaic dataset
You can add NITF files to a mosaic dataset using the Add Rasters to Mosaic Dataset geoprocessing tool, or through the ArcPy interface. See Add Rasters To Mosaic Dataset for details about each method.