Take a utility network offline

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

The full model of the utility network is supported when taking a map offline through a sync-enabled feature service. While this can be done for queries and analyses, the most common use is editing network data and performing traces while in a disconnected environment using ArcGIS Pro or custom apps created using ArcGIS Maps SDKs.


Taking a utility network offline for editing and tracing requires ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 and later.

There are two approaches when taking a map offline with a utility network: using offline map areas created ahead of time (preplanned offline map areas) and creating offline map areas on demand. Using preplanned offline map areas scales better when supporting multiple offline mobile workers and is the recommended approach when possible. This takes the responsibility off of your mobile users and allows the map author to use a web map to define consistent map areas, which are packaged and hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise for download as necessary, for all users.

Learn how to optimize data delivery for download and sync and manage offline utility network capabilities

Creating offline map areas on demand is beneficial in cases that require flexibility to adapt to the needs of offline users. While this pattern provides flexibility and allows you to define extents in ArcGIS Pro, it can require additional organizational resources. As a result, this approach is not recommended for large extents or a large number of users. You can use the Download Map button Download Map to create on-demand offline map areas in ArcGIS Pro.

Learn more about how to take a map offline in ArcGIS Pro


The following are requirements for taking a utility network offline for editing and tracing:

  • When publishing a web layer, you must configure a map that meets the general requirements to publish a utility network layer and enable the sync capability for all layers used in the map's feature service.
  • The Service territory feature class or feature layer must be included in the map when publishing the service, creating a web map, or downloading offline map areas on demand.
  • All feature classes or layers that participate in the utility network must be included in the map when publishing the service, creating a web map, or downloading offline map areas on demand.


To take only simple features associated with the utility network offline for editing, either exclude the utility network from the web map upon creation or remove the utility network layer from the map in ArcGIS Pro.

Work with offline utility network features

Whether you access offline map areas created ahead of time from a web map or create offline map areas on demand using the Download Map button Download Map, the utility network and associated feature layers that you take offline are downloaded to a new mobile geodatabase in the project. The extent of the preplanned offline map area or active map determines the spatial features you take offline. The utility network applies a simple expansion using the associations present from the features within the extent to ensure that any nonspatial objects and features outside of the extent necessary for a functional network are also downloaded.

This offline dataset can then be edited and traced using the same tools and workflows you use while working online. You can edit utility network features and objects with the undo and redo editing operations, create and validate dirty areas, perform traces, and generate diagrams.


Immediate calculation and constraint attribute rules are taken offline with the utility network when they are not excluded from application evaluation.

When an internet connection is available, you can synchronize your offline data with the web feature layer in the portal. Syncing writes your edits to the web feature layer in the portal and updates your offline data with changes made to the web feature layer by other editors. You can repeat the sync operation as often as necessary if you have occasional internet access and need to continue editing the data offline.

Learn more about how to synchronize edits or remove the local copy of the data