Filter or search for editing templates

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

The Arrange Templates filter button Filter and Search box Find at the top of the Manage Templates pane and Create Features pane find, filter, and sort editing templates by template name, feature or template type, layer criteria, and keywords stored with template descriptive metadata.

When you filter or search editing templates, consider the following:

  • The Manage Templates pane is used to create, modify, and delete editing templates for all maps in the current project. The layer view lists the layers and tables. The template view lists the associated editing templates for the layer or table that is selected in the layer view.
  • The Create Features pane is used to create feature data on predefined layers and tables. The main view lists the editing templates defined for layers and tables in the active map.
  • Searched metadata comprises information stored in the Name, Description, and Tags property fields for each editing template. Search is not case sensitive.

Filter or search in the Manage Templates pane

To filter or search editing templates in the Manage Templates pane, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Edit ribbon tab, click Manage Templates Manage Templates in the Manage Edits group.

    Alternatively, click Manage Templates Manage Templates in the Create Features pane.

    The Manage Templates pane appears.

  2. To search editing template metadata, click and type the keyword in the Search box Find.

    To clear the search box, click Delete Delete or press the Backspace key.

    Manage Templates Search box

    To restore a recent search word, click the search drop-down arrow. Search history is available until you close the project or clear the history.

    Editing templates containing the word in the search box appear in the pane.

  3. To turn off an active filter and clear the search box, click Arrange Templates Filter > Show All Templates.

    If a filter is turned on, the Arrange Templates filter button Filter Enabled appears checked.

  4. To filter the template list, click Arrange Templates Filter > Filter By and choose one of the following:


    List editing templates that create point features.


    List editing templates that create line features.


    List editing templates that create multipatch features.


    List editing templates that create polygon features.


    List editing templates that create annotation features.


    List editing templates that create dimension features.

    Z Aware

    List editing templates that create z-aware features.


    List Group templates.


    List Preset templates.


    List Table templates.

    Editable Layer Only

    List only the editable layers and associated editing templates.

    Layer with Templates Only

    List only the layers and associated editing templates.

    Layer without Templates Only

    List only the feature layers with no templates.

    No filtering

    Turn off the active filter and list all templates.

    The list of templates and associated layers updates.

  5. To sort the template list, click Arrange Templates Filter > Group By and choose one of the following:

    Geometry Type

    Group templates by the geometry type they create.


    Group templates by the layer on which they create features.

    No Grouping

    Show the templates in alphanumeric order.

Filter or search in the Create Features pane

To filter or search editing templates in the Create Features pane, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Edit ribbon tab, click Create Create Features in the Features group.

    The Create Features pane appears.

  2. To search editing template metadata, click and type the keyword in the Search box Find.

    To clear the search box, click Delete Delete or press the Backspace key.

    Create Features Search box

    To restore a recent search word, click the search drop-down arrow. Search history is available until you close the project or clear the history.

    Editing templates containing the word in the search box appear in the pane.

  3. To hide table templates, click Arrange Templates Filter > Hide Table Templates.
  4. To turn off an active filter and clear the search box, click Arrange Templates Filter > Show All Templates.

    If a filter is turned on, the Arrange Templates filter button Filter Enabled appears checked.

  5. To filter the template list, click Arrange Templates Filter > Filter By and choose one of the following:


    List editing templates that create point features.


    List editing templates that create polyline features.


    List editing templates that create multipatch features.


    List editing templates that create polygon features.


    List editing templates that create annotation features.


    List editing templates that create dimension features.

    Z Aware

    List editing templates that create z-enabled features.


    List Group templates.


    List Preset templates.


    List Table templates.

    Contents Selection

    List the templates for layers with visibility enabled in the Contents pane.

    Contents Selection by Group

    List the templates for group layers and composite layers with visibility enabled in the Contents pane.

    No filtering

    Turn off the active filter and list all templates.

  6. To sort the template list, click Arrange Templates Filter > Group By and choose one of the following:

    Geometry Type

    Group templates by the geometry type they create.


    Group templates by the layer on which they create features.

    No Grouping

    Show the templates in alphanumeric order.