Keyboard shortcuts improve your workflow by reducing the need to switch tools often. The keyboard shortcuts for the exploratory analysis objects only work when an analysis object has been selected, for example, selecting an observer point to rotate heading or reposition higher, lower, left, or right. Keyboard shortcuts work with individual parts (observer or target) or the whole analysis results group (for example, observer and all associated targets). Depending on the tool template type you're using (Line of Sight, View Dome, Viewshed, or Slice), the available keyboard shortcuts vary. Elevation profile only has keyboard shortcuts for finishing or canceling the line sketch. There are no keyboard shortcuts for cut and fill objects or for object detection.
The keyboard shortcuts listed below are helpful when interacting with the 3D exploratory analysis results.
Line of sight shortcuts
When one or more observer points are selected, the shortcuts function as follows:
Keyboard shortcut | Action |
A | Rotate counterclockwise. |
D | Rotate clockwise. |
Ctrl+Up arrow key | Move the observer away from the scene camera. |
Ctrl+Down arrow key | Move the observer toward the scene camera. |
Ctrl+Right arrow key | Move the observer right, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+Left arrow key | Move the observer left, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow key | Move the observer and its targets away from the scene camera. |
Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow key | Move the observer and its targets toward the scene camera. |
Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow key | Move the observer and its targets right, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow key | Move the observer and its targets left, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+U | Increase the observer elevation. |
Ctrl+J | Decrease the observer elevation. |
C | Turn the Explore tool |
Delete | Delete the observer and all associated targets. |
When a target is selected, the shortcuts function as follows:
Keyboard shortcut | Action |
Ctrl+Up arrow key | Move the target away from the camera. |
Ctrl+Down arrow key | Move the target toward the camera. |
Ctrl+Right arrow key | Move the target right, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+Left arrow key | Move the target left, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+U | Increase the target elevation. |
Ctrl+J | Decrease the target elevation. |
C | Turn the Explore tool |
Delete | Delete the selected target. |
View dome keyboard shortcuts
Select a view dome to use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcut | Action |
Ctrl+Up arrow key | Move the view dome away from the camera. |
Ctrl+Down arrow key | Move the view dome toward the camera. |
Ctrl+Right arrow key | Move the view dome right, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+Left arrow key | Move the view dome left, perpendicular to the scene camera heading. |
Ctrl+U | Increase the view dome elevation. |
Ctrl+J | Decrease the view dome elevation. |
C | Turn the Explore tool |
Delete | Delete the selected view dome. |
Viewshed keyboard shortcuts
Select a viewshed to use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcut | Action |
W | Tilt the observer up. |
S | Tilt the observer down. |
A | Rotate the observer heading left. |
D | Rotate the observer heading right. |
Ctrl+Up arrow key | Move the observer forward. |
Ctrl+Down arrow key | Move the observer backward. |
Ctrl+Right arrow key | Move the viewshed right, perpendicular to the observer heading. |
Ctrl+Left arrow key | Move the viewshed left, perpendicular to the observer heading. |
Ctrl+U | Increase the observer elevation. |
Ctrl+J | Decrease the observer elevation. |
C | Turn the Explore tool |
Delete | Delete the selected viewshed. |
Slice keyboard shortcuts
Select a slice to use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcut | Action |
W | Rotate the plane heading forward. |
S | Rotate the plane heading backward. |
A | Rotate the plane heading left. |
D | Rotate the plane heading right. |
Ctrl+Up arrow key | Move the plane forward. |
Ctrl+Down arrow key | Move the plane backward. |
Ctrl+Right arrow key | Move the slice right. |
Ctrl+Left arrow key | Move the slice left. |
Ctrl+U | Increase the plane elevation. |
Ctrl+J | Decrease the plane elevation. |
C | Turn the Explore tool |
Delete | Delete the selected slice. |
Elevation profile shortcuts
When using the interactive placement method to construct the line to create an elevation profile, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcut | Action |
F2 | Finish the line sketch by placing the last vertex. This is the same as double-clicking. |
Esc | Cancel the sketch creation to start over. |