Modify postprocessing effect settings
Once you apply postprocessing effects to a scene, you can make adjustments to them before creating a final image or video output.
To adjust postprocessing effects, click the View tab. In the Scene group, click the Postprocessing Effects drop-down arrow and click Postprocessing Effect Settings. The Postprocessing Effects Settings dialog box appears, where you can activate or deactivate effects or change their properties. All changes are immediately applied in the active view. Click Reset to default to return a setting to the default values.
Postprocessing effect settings
The following table lists the customizable properties of each postprocessing effect type:
Postprocessing effect | Description |
Bloom  | Add a glow to color values brighter than a given threshold to produce bright light in the scene. - Strength—Increase or decrease the percentage of intensity of the bloom effect.
- Threshold—The color value threshold percentage sets what is affected by the bloom. At higher threshold values, fewer pixels are filtered by the bloom effect. At lower threshold values, more pixels are filtered by the bloom effect.
Vignette  | Apply darkening around the edges and corners of the scene compared to the center. - Size—Increase or decrease the percentage of the view affected by vignette darkening. The default value is 50 percent. The higher the value, the more darkening is increased toward the center of the view.
- Strength—The percentage of the darkening of the overall affected area.
Grain  | Apply a gradient noise or texture in the view by visualizing the scene as small particles. - Strength—Increase or decrease the grain effect intensity in the scene. Higher values show more visible grain.
- Size—Set the value of the grain size particle in points.
Color Grading  | Enhance colors in the scene by altering or correcting color and luminance. - Saturation—Adjust the overall intensity of all colors.
- Brightness—Adjust the overall brightness in the scene.
- Contrast—Adjust the overall range of tonal values, the scale between the lightest and darkest points in an image. Contrast can impact the mood conveyed by the view. High contrast tends to provide a feeling of high energy or strength. Lower contrast tends to appear dreamy or vintage.
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