Modify visual effect settings
Once you have applied a visual effect to a scene view, you can make adjustments before creating a final image or video output. Some visual effects include customizable properties for adjusting the strength, color, or size of the effect. The last active visual effect and its properties are preserved for open views in the project. If the view is closed and reopened, the visual effect is removed.
To adjust a visual effect, click the View tab. In the Scene group, click the Visual Effect drop-down arrow and click Visual Effect Settings
. The Visual Effect Settings dialog box appears; here, you can activate an effect, change the current effect, or change the properties. All changes on the Visual Effect Settings dialog box are applied immediately in the active view. Click Reset to default to revert a setting to the default values.
Visual effect settings
The following table outlines the customizable properties of each visual effect type:
Visual effect | Setting description |
Black and White  | Applies a grayscale filter to the scene. There are no customizable properties. |
Blueprint  | Applies an architectural or landscape design plan effect to the scene and has configurable outline and grid settings. - Outline Strength—Increase or decrease the strength or weight of the outline and the outline edge detection threshold. The default value is 50 percent. A higher value reveals more objects outlined and increases the overall outline weight.
- Grid Size—Increase or decrease the size of the background grid cells in points.
- Grid subdivisions—Increase or decrease the number of subdivisions for each cell in the background grid.
Cross Mosaic  | Applies a crossed mosaic pattern over the scene and has a configurable size. - Size—Increase or decrease the cell size of the crosshatched overlay using the up and down arrows or by typing a number. The size is measured in points and must be at least 1. The default cross mosaic size is 4 points (pts).
Halftone  | Applies a grayscale gradient-like effect to the scene by using single-tone dots of various size and spacing and has a configurable strength. - Strength—Increase or decrease the strength, or dot-range, of the halftone effect using the up and down arrows or by typing a number. The strength is measured as a percentage and must be between 0 and 100. The default halftone strength is 100 percent.
Hex Mosaic  | Applies a hexagon mosaic pattern over the scene and has a configurable size. - Size—Increase or decrease the size of the hexagons used in the mosaic using the up and down arrows or by typing a number. The size is measured in points and must be at least 1. The default hex mosaic size is 4 pts.
Monochromatic  | Applies a monochromatic filter to the scene and has a configurable color. - Color—Set the monochromatic filter color by choosing a color from the drop-down gallery, using the eyedropper tool
, or by clicking Color Properties to specify a custom color. The visual effect uses the Hue and Saturation properties of the color, so the HSV color editing mode for custom colors is recommended. The default monochromatic color is pale-yellow sepia.
Outline  | Applies an outline of the scene on a solid background with configurable line and color settings. - Outline Strength—Increase or decrease the strength or weight of the outline and the outline edge detection threshold. The default value is 50 percent. Higher values reveal more objects outlined and increase the overall weight of the line.
- Outline Color—Set the color of the outline.
- Background Color—Set the color of the background.
Pencil Sketch  | Applies a crosshatch shading effect to make the appearance of a pencil sketch and has configurable crosshatch line strength and angles and the option to display in grayscale. - Grayscale—Scene colors convert to display in grayscale when this option is checked. It is off by default.
- Crosshatch Strength—Increase or decrease the strength of the crosshatch shading effect
- Crosshatch Angle Count—The number of directions the crosshatch lines can intersect up to a maximum of 6.
Pixelated  | Applies a pixelated look to the scene with a configurable but limited color palette and configurable pixel size. - Pixel Size—Set the size of the simulated pixel effect in points.
- Color Factor—Increase or decrease the number of colors used in the color palette to represent a single pixel.
Toon  | Applies the look of a cartoon drawing to the scene and has a configurable line thickness. - Size—Increase or decrease the line thickness for the cartoon styling using the up and down arrows or by typing a number. The size is measured in percent and must be between 0 and 100. The default toon line thickness is 15 percent.
Watercolor  | Applies the look of a watercolor painting to the scene with fuzzy edges that blend into each other. It has configurable margins and background color. - Margin Width—Increase or decrease how far the margin style is applied starting from the outside edge toward the middle of the view.
- Margin Gradient—Increase or decrease the strength of the margin background color as it is applied as a transparency overlay. The default color is white.
- Draw Margin Outlines—Applies an outline effect inside the margins when this option is checked. It is on by default.
- Background Color—Set the background color using a color palette.
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