Location errors

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Location errors allow you to determine data quality issues with LRS events. When events are created or edited using ArcGIS Pro feature creation or feature editing tools, or created by adding a row in an event layer attribute table, the status of the event record is indicated in the Location Error column in the attribute table row for the event record.

When an event is defined accurately using the attribute table or any other method, the result is a No Error value for the location error field. Any of the statuses other than the No Error value indicate a problem that must be resolved. The list of possible statuses is limited by the event creation or event editing technique in use.

For statuses that occur while using specific techniques, refer to event creation using feature creation, event editing using feature edits, event creation using the attribute table, and event editing using the attribute table.


The complete list of statuses also includes location errors that can occur when referent offset values are in use or after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

The following table provides the complete list of statuses.

Location errorDescription

Different From Route And To Route Line IDs

The starting route and the ending route have different line IDs. This is applicable to events associated with line networks.

From Referent Location Not Found

The event's starting referent location was not found.

From And To Referent Locations Not Found

The event's starting and ending referent locations were not found.

From Route Line Order Not Lower Than To Route Line Order

The starting route does not have a lower line order than the ending route. This is applicable to events associated with line networks.

Invalid Dates

The event's start date is before the event's end date.

Invalid Length Field Value

The event's length field value is invalid. Applicable to referent offset events using the length field. For example, if the route is 1000 feet long, but the referent offset is set to 1500 using length as the referent method, the result is an invalid length.

Invalid Route Line ID

The route does not have a valid line ID. This is applicable to events associated with line networks.

Invalid Route Line Order

The route does not have a valid line order. This is applicable to events associated with line networks.

Invalid Location Route ID

The route location's route ID is invalid (NULL, empty, or invalid value).

Invalid Location Measure

At least one of the route location's measure values is invalid.

Invalid Referent Method

The event's referent method is not valid or does not exist in the dReferentMethod domain.

Invalid Location Route ID

The route location's route ID is invalid (NULL, empty, or invalid value).

Measure Extent Out Of Route Measure Range

The route location's shape was not found because the starting measure and the ending measure are outside of the route measures.

Multi Match

Multiple matching routes were found. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Multiple Route Locations Found

More than one point location was found. Measures may not be unique along the routes. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

No Match

No matches were found in the target network for an event associated with a route in the source network. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Parent Event Not Found

The parent event could not be found. This is applicable to referent offset events.

Parent Event Measure Location Not Found

The parent event's measure value is invalid. Applicable to referent offset events.

Partial Match For The From Measure And To Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. The starting and ending measures are outside the route measure range. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Partial Match For The From Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. The start measure is outside the route measure range.

Partial Match For The To Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. The end measure is outside the route measure range. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Partial Multi Match For The From Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. Multiple matches were found for the start measure. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Partial Multi Match For The From And To Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. Multiple matches were found for the starting and ending measures. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Partial Multi Match For The To Measure

The entire route location's shape was not found. Multiple matches were found for the end measure. This error can occur after running the Translate Event Measures tool.

Route Measures Null

The route does not have m-values or the m-values are null.

Route Location Not Found

The route location's shape was not found (the route has no m-values or the route location's measures don't exist on the route).

Route Not Found

The route does not exist (this could be due to the route not existing in the network or the route and event having different time ranges that do not overlap).

Route Shape Empty

The route does not have a shape or the shape is empty.

Route Not M Aware

The route is not an m-aware polyline.

To Referent Location Not Found

The event's ending referent location was not found.

XY Location Invalid

The event's XY location was not found on the route.

Zero Length Extent

The start measure is equal to the end measure.