00297: <value> layers must be shared with everyone

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

You are sharing a map image layer or web feature layer with an OGC layer or capability (WFS, WMS, or WCS) and are not sharing publicly. To ensure that the WFS layer, WMS layer, or WCS is accessible and draws correctly, you must share it with everyone. The value parameter refers to the enabled OGC layer or capability.


In the Sharing pane, on the General tab, under Sharing Level, select Everyone (public).

Additional information

A WFS or WMS layer shared with a map image layer is dependent on the map image layer. You must share both layers publicly for the WFS or WMS layer to work correctly.

A WFS layer shared with a web feature layer that copies data to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise is not dependent on the web feature layer. After you successfully share the layers, you can unshare the web feature layer without affecting the WFS layer.

For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.