24185: The pop-up definition for this layer includes attachment sort ordering that is not supported online

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

You are sharing a web layer with one or more attachment elements that have been sorted in an order that is not supported on ArcGIS Online. This can occur if you established a sort order that is not the ATTACHMENTID field sorted in ascending order.

When multiple warnings are detected in a single layer, they are grouped into one primary warning.


Do one of the following:

  • Open the Configure Pop-ups pane for the layer and change the attachment elements sort order to be the ATTACHMENTID field in ascending order.
  • Do nothing. The ArcGIS Online default sort order will be used.

Additional information

By default, ArcGIS Online displays the attachment images using the ATTACHMENTID field in ascending order.

For more information about configuring a pop-up in ArcGIS Online, see Configure pop-ups.

For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.