| Name | Description |
 | Alternate1RowBackgroundCount |
Gets or sets the alternate 1 row background count. Show even row background for this many rows before alternating.
 | Alternate1RowBackgroundSymbol |
Gets or sets the second alternating data record background symbol.
 | Alternate2RowBackgroundCount |
Gets or sets the alternate 2 row background count. Show odd row background for this many rows before alternating.
 | Alternate2RowBackgroundSymbol |
Gets or sets the first alternating data record background symbol.
 | Anchor |
Gets or sets the anchor position of the element.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | BalanceColumns |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to balance the columns of the table.
 | ColumnBorderSymbol |
Gets or sets the column border symbol.
 | ColumnGap |
Gets or sets the gap between table columns.
 | Columns |
Gets or sets the number of columns.
 | CustomProperties |
Gets or sets the custom properties of the element.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | CustomWhereClause |
Gets or sets the custom where clause. Show rows that match custom where clause when FillingStrategy is set to esriCIMTableFrameFillingStrategy_CustomWhereClause.
 | DefaultTableFrameField |
Gets or sets the default table frame field used when creating new table frames.
 | Expanded |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is expanded in the contents pane.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | FieldGap |
Gets or sets the gap between fields.
 | Fields |
Gets or sets the fields displayed by the table frame.
 | FillingStrategy |
Gets or sets the strategy used to query records.
 | FittingStrategy |
Gets or sets the strategy used to query records.
 | Frame |
Gets or sets the geometry of a frame for an element.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFrameElement) |
 | GraphicFrame |
Gets or sets the graphic symbology of an element's frame.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMFrameElement) |
 | HeadingBackgroundSymbol |
Gets or sets the field name/alias background symbol.
 | HeadingBorderSymbol |
Gets or sets the field name/alias border symbol.
 | HeadingGap |
Gets or sets the gap between field names and rows.
 | HeadingLineSymbol |
Gets or sets the field name/alias underline symbol.
 | HorizontalTextGap |
Gets or sets the horizontal gap around field values.
 | Locked |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | LockedAspectRatio |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | MapFrame |
Gets or sets the map frame associated with the map surround.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMapSurround) |
 | MapMemberURI |
Gets or sets the layer or standalone table that defines the data to display.
 | MaxScale |
Gets or sets the maximum scale.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMapSurround) |
 | MinFontSize |
Gets or sets the limit when reducing font sizes. Values is in points.
 | MinScale |
Gets or sets the minimum scale.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMMapSurround) |
 | Name |
Gets or sets the name of the element.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | Rotation |
Gets or sets the rotation of the element.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | RotationCenter |
Gets or sets the location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |
 | RowBorderSymbol |
Gets or sets the border symbol for row sections: data records, summary statistics, and statistics totals.
 | RowGap |
Gets or sets the gap between rows.
 | RowLimit |
Gets or sets the maximum number of rows the table frame will show. 0 Indicates "no limit".
 | VerticalTextGap |
Gets or sets the vertical gap around field values.
 | Visible |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element is visible.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMElement) |