| Name | Description |
 | AlignLabelToLineDirection |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to align the label with the label direction so the label may appear upside down.
 | AllowAsymmetricOverrun |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a label may overrun one side of a polygon feature.
 | AllowStraddleStacking |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a stacked label may straddle the line feature.
 | AlternateLabelExpressionInfo |
Gets or sets the ExpressionInfo for the alternate label expression.
 | AvoidOverlappingLabeledPolygonsAsIfHoles |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether labels should avoid overlapping labeled polygons as if they were holes.
 | AvoidPolygonHoles |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether labels should avoid holes in polygons.
 | BackgroundLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to place the label first and allow other labels to be placed over it.
 | BoundaryLabelingAllowHoles |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow holes in boundary labeling.
 | BoundaryLabelingAllowSingleSided |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow single sided boundary labeling.
 | BoundaryLabelingSingleSidedOnLine |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether single sided boundary label is centered on line.
 | CanAbbreviateLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to abbreviate the label using an abbreviation dictionary.
 | CanFlipStackedStreetLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a stacked label may be flipped over to obtain a better position.
 | CanKeyNumberLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to key number the label and feature.
 | CanOverrunFeature |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to place the label over end of line or over polygon boundary.
 | CanPlaceLabelOnTopOfFeature |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the label can be placed on top of the street feature.
 | CanPlaceLabelOutsidePolygon |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to place a label outside the polygon if it does not fit inside.
 | CanReduceFontSize |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to reduce the size of the font.
 | CanReduceLeading |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the leading can be reduced for a stacked label.
 | CanRemoveOverlappingLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to remove the label if it overlaps with other labels.
 | CanShiftPointLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow the point label to be shifted upon a fixed position.
 | CanStackLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to stack the label to obtain a better position.
 | CanTruncateLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to truncate the label using an algorithm.
 | CanUseAlternateLabelExpression |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an alternate label expression is allowed to be used.
 | CenterLabelAnchorType |
Gets or sets options to determine where to anchor a centered point label.
 | ConnectionType |
Gets or sets the options for connecting line features.
 | ConstrainOffset |
Gets or sets the label constraint options.
 | ContourAlignmentType |
Gets or sets the options for the contour label alignment.
 | ContourLadderType |
Gets or sets the options for the contour label ladder types.
 | ContourMaximumAngle |
Gets or sets the maximum angle at which a contour label may be placed.
 | DictionaryName |
Gets or sets the name of the abbreviations dictionary referenced by this layer.
 | EnableConnection |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to turn off line connection.
 | EnablePointPlacementPriorities |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use user-defined point placement priorities.
 | EnablePolygonFixedPosition |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a label is to be placed at a fixed position in the polygon.
 | EnableSecondaryOffset |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to place a label at a secondary offset from the line feature.
 | FeatureType |
Gets or sets the feature type being labeled.
(Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMLabelPlacementProperties) |
 | FeatureWeight |
Gets or sets the feature weight which controls which features may be overlapped and to what extent.
 | FontHeightReductionLimit |
Gets or sets font height reduction limit. The font may be reduced in height until this limit is reached.
 | FontHeightReductionStep |
Gets or sets font height reduction step. This is the step interval for font height reduction.
 | FontWidthReductionLimit |
Gets or sets font width reduction limit. The font may be reduced in width until this limit is reached.
 | FontWidthReductionStep |
Gets or sets font width reduction step. This is the step interval for font width reduction.
 | GraticuleAlignment |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable graticule alignment.
 | GraticuleAlignmentType |
Gets or sets the options for the graticule alignment type.
 | IsLabelBufferHardConstraint |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the label buffer is a hard constraint and must be honored.
 | IsMinimumSizeBasedOnArea |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the minimum feature size for labeling is based on area.
 | IsOffsetFromFeatureGeometry |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to measure the label offset from the feature geometry.
 | KeyNumberGroupName |
Gets or sets the name of the key number group to use for key numbering the labels.
 | LabelBuffer |
Gets or sets the label buffer. Increase buffer to stop labels from being placed too close to each other.
 | LabelLargestPolygon |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to label only the largest polygon in a compound polygon feature.
 | LabelPriority |
Gets or sets the label priority. Label priority controls approximate placement order.
 | LabelStackingProperties |
Gets or sets the label stacking properties for a layer.
 | LineFeatureType |
Gets or sets the line feature type.
 | LinePlacementMethod |
Gets or sets the line placement method.
 | MaximumCharacterSpacing |
Gets or sets the maximum character spacing. Character spacing may be increased up to this limit.
 | MaximumLabelOverrun |
Gets or sets the maximum distance that a label is allowed to overrun the end of its feature.
 | MaximumLabelOverrunUnit |
Gets or sets the label overrun unit.
 | MaximumWordSpacing |
Gets or sets maximum word spacing. The word spacing may be increased up to this limit.
 | MeasureFromClippedFeatureGeometry |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to measure the offset from the clipped feature geometry.
This property applies to label offsets when using the Along Line or Fixed Position Polygon placement methods.
 | MinimumEndOfStreetClearance |
Gets or sets minimum clearance between street label and street end.
 | MinimumFeatureSizeUnit |
Gets or sets minimum feature size unit.
 | MinimumRepetitionInterval |
Gets or sets the interval that must elapse before label is repeated.
 | MinimumSizeForLabeling |
Gets or sets the minimum size of a line or area feature for it to be labeled.
 | MultiPartOption |
Gets or sets the option for labeling multi-part shapes.
 | NeverRemoveLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to not remove the label if no position is found.
 | OffsetAlongLineProperties |
Gets or sets the offset along line properties for a layer.
 | PointExternalZonePriorities |
Gets or sets the properties which control placement of a label around point feature.
 | PointPlacementMethod |
Gets or sets the point placement method.
 | PolygonAnchorPointPerimeterInset |
Gets or sets the inset value for perimeter polygon anchor leader anchor points.
 | PolygonAnchorPointPerimeterInsetUnit |
Gets or sets the unit of the inset value for perimeter polygon anchor points.
 | PolygonAnchorPointType |
Gets or sets the polygon anchor point type.
 | PolygonBoundaryWeight |
Gets or sets the feature weight for the boundary of the polygon.
 | PolygonExternalZones |
Gets or sets the placement priorities associated with zones external to the polygon.
 | PolygonFeatureType |
Gets or sets the polygon feature type.
 | PolygonInternalZones |
Gets or sets the placement priorities associated with zones internal to the polygon.
 | PolygonPlacementMethod |
Gets or sets the polygon placement method.
 | PreferHorizontalPlacement |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether there is a preference to place the label horizontally.
 | PreferLabelNearJunction |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether there is a preference for placing a line label near a junction.
 | PreferLabelNearJunctionClearance |
Gets or sets the preferred clearance for placing a line label near a junction.
 | PreferLabelNearMapBorder |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether there is a preference for placing a line label near the map border.
 | PreferLabelNearMapBorderClearance |
Gets or sets the preferred clearance for placing a line label near the map border.
 | PreferredEndOfStreetClearance |
Gets or sets the preferred clearance between street label and street end.
 | PrimaryOffset |
Gets or sets the primary offset between label and symbol.
 | PrimaryOffsetUnit |
Gets or sets the unit of the primary offset.
 | RemoveAmbiguousLabels |
Gets or sets the method to determine when to remove ambiguous labels.
 | RemoveExtraLineBreaks |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether extra line breaks are removed from the label text.
 | RemoveExtraWhiteSpace |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether extra white space characters are removed from the label text.
 | RepeatLabel |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the repetition of label along line feature.
 | RepetitionIntervalUnit |
Gets or sets the label repetition interval unit.
 | RotationProperties |
Gets or sets the label rotation properties.
 | SecondaryOffset |
Gets or sets the secondary offset between label and symbol.
 | SecondaryOffsetMaximum |
Gets or sets the secondary offset maximum.
 | SecondaryOffsetMinimum |
Gets or sets the secondary offset minimum.
 | SecondaryOffsetUnit |
Gets or sets the unit of the secondary offset.
 | SpreadCharacters |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to spread label characters along line features.
 | SpreadWords |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to whether to spread words along line features.
 | StrategyPriorities |
Gets or sets the priority of a placement strategy when placing text.
 | ThinDuplicateLabels |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to remove duplicate labels that lie within a specified distance of each other.
 | ThinningDistance |
Gets or sets the distance used to control the thinning of duplicate labels.
 | ThinningDistanceUnit |
Gets or sets the thinning distance unit.
 | TruncationExcludedCharacters |
Gets or sets the excluded characters used by the truncation strategy. These characters will never be removed by truncation.
 | TruncationMarkerCharacter |
Gets or sets the marker character used by the truncation strategy.
 | TruncationMinimumLength |
Gets or sets the minimum length of a label used by the truncation strategy.
 | TruncationPreferredCharacters |
Gets or sets the preferred characters used by the truncation strategy. These characters will be removed as needed.
 | UseExactSymbolOutline |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the exact polygon outline of a symbol when measuring the label offset.