Get Raster Properties (Data Management)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Retrieves information from the metadata and descriptive statistics about a raster dataset.


  • The property value returned is displayed in the Geoprocessing history item created by running the tool.

  • The Python result of this tool is a geoprocessing Result object. In order to obtain the string value, use the Result object's getOutput method.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Raster

The raster containing the properties to retrieve.

Composite Geodataset
Property type

The property to be obtained from the input raster.

  • Minimum cell valueSmallest value of all cells in the input raster.
  • Maximum cell valueLargest value of all cells in the input raster.
  • Mean of all cellsAverage of all cells in the input raster.
  • Standard Deviation of all cellsStandard deviation of all cells in the input raster.
  • Unique value countNumber of unique values in the input raster.
  • Maximum Y coordinate (top)Top (maximum y-coordinate) value of the extent.
  • Minimum X coordinate (left)Left (minimum x-coordinate) value of the extent.
  • Maximum X coordinate (right)Right (maximum x-coordinate) value of the extent.
  • Minimum Y coordinate (bottom)Bottom (minimum y-coordinate) value of the extent.
  • Cell size x-directionCell size in the x-direction.
  • Cell size y-directionCell size in the y-direction.
  • Cell value typeType of the cell value in the input raster.
  • Number of columnsNumber of columns in the input raster.
  • Number of rowsNumber of rows in the input raster.
  • Number of bandsNumber of bands in the input raster.
  • Contains NoData cellsReturns whether there is NoData in the raster.
  • All cells contain NoDataReturns whether all the pixels are NoData. This is also known as ISNULL.
  • Sensor nameName of the sensor.
  • Product nameProduct name related to the sensor.
  • Acquisition dateDate that the data was captured.
  • Source typeSource type.
  • Cloud coverAmount of cloud cover as a percentage.
  • Sun azimuthSun azimuth, in degrees.
  • Sun elevationSun elevation, in degrees.
  • Sensor azimuthSensor azimuth, in degrees.
  • Sensor elevationSensor elevation, in degrees.
  • Off nadirOff-nadir angle, in degrees.
  • WavelengthWavelength range of the band, in nanometers.
Band Name

Choose the band name from the drop-down box. If no band is chosen, then the first band will be used.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type

Returns the property value that was specified.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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