NAME | The name of the rule. | constraintRuleOP |
DESCRIPTION | The rule description. | Operating pressure must be less than 300. |
TYPE | The type of attribute rule. | CONSTRAINT, CALCULATION |
SUBTYPE | If the dataset has a subtype and the subtype is used in the rule definition, this is the subtype name (also known as description) to which the rule is applied. | ALL |
FIELD | The name of the field to which the rule is applied, if applicable. | CONDITION |
ISEDITABLE | A Boolean value that defines whether the attribute field is editable. | True or False |
TRIGGERINSERT | A Boolean value that defines whether the triggering events for the rule are set for insert edits. | True or False |
TRIGGERDELETE | A Boolean value that defines whether the triggering events for the rule are set for delete edits. | True or False |
TRIGGERUPDATE | A Boolean value that defines whether the triggering events for the rule are set for update edits. | True or False |
SCRIPTEXPRESSION | The ArcGIS Arcade script expression that defines the rule. | $feature.OPERATINGPRESSURE < 300 |
ERRORNUMBER | The error number for the rule, if applicable. | 99 |
ERRORMESSAGE | The error message for the rule, if applicable. | Invalid operating pressure. The value must be less than 300. |
EXCLUDECLIENTEVALUATION | A Boolean value that defines whether the rule is supported for all clients or simple clients. | True or False |
ISENABLED | A Boolean value that defines whether the attribute rule is enabled. | True or False |
BATCH | A Boolean value that defines whether the rule supports batch validation. | True or False |
SEVERITY | An integer value (1–5) that defines the severity of the error. | 2 |
TAGS | A set of string values that identify the rule. | Operating pressure |
CATEGORY | A system-generated integer value that defines the rule category, if applicable. This value is system generated and should not be modified. | 6 |
CHECKPARAMETERS | A system-generated JSON value that defines the configuration of a Data Reviewer-based rule. This value is system generated and should not be modified. | {"ReviewerRuleType": "0", "minimumangle": "60"}
TRIGGERINGFIELDS | A list of field values representing the fields where an edit occurs that will trigger the attribute rule. An empty array defined as [] represents all fields as triggering fields. When no triggering fields are specified, all fields are listed as triggering fields. | ["RoadCondition", "NumberOfLanes", "RoadType"] |