Make Trajectory Layer (Data Management)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Generates a feature layer from selected variables in a trajectory file.


  • This tool can use trajectory data from satellite altimetry sensors such as Jason, Sentinel-3, CryoSat, and ICESat.

  • Different sensors may use different variable names for the same type of measurement. The Predefined Variables parameter combines data from sensors by mapping variable names to a common measurement type. For example, to merge sea surface height data from sentinel 3 and sentinel 6, specify the Sea Surface Height option. The tool will map the corresponding variables to a common variable in the output trajectory layer. See Trajectory type properties for a list of predefined variables for each available sensor.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Trajectory File

The input trajectory file.

File; Trajectory Layer
Output Trajectory Layer

The output feature layer that contains the selected variables.

Trajectory Layer
Dimension Name

The dimension name. The first dimension is used by default.

Predefined Variables

Specifies the predefined variables that will be used for measurement for different sensor types.

  • Surface Backscatter CoefficientA variable that contains Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • Sea Surface HeightA variable that contains Sea Surface Height will be used.
  • Sea Surface Height AnomalyA variable that contains Sea Surface Height Anomaly will be used.
  • Significant Wave HeightA variable that contains Significant Wave Height will be used.
  • Ocean Surface Backscatter CoefficientA variable that contains Ocean Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • Sea Ice Surface ElevationA variable that contains Sea Ice Surface Elevation will be used.
  • Sea Ice Surface Height AnomalyA variable that contains Sea Ice Surface Height Anomaly will be used.
  • Sea Ice ConcentrationA variable that contains Sea Ice Concentration will be used.
  • Sea Ice Surface Backscatter CoefficientA variable that contains Sea Ice Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • Ice Sheet Surface ElevationA variable that contains Ice Sheet Surface Elevation will be used.
  • Ice Sheet Surface Backscatter CoefficientA variable that contains Ice Sheet Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • Ice Surface ElevationA variable that contains Ice Surface Elevation will be used.
  • Ice Surface Backscatter CoefficientA variable that contains Ice Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • Wind SpeedA variable that contains Wind Speed will be used.
  • Mean Sea Surface ElevationA variable that contains Mean Sea Surface Elevation will be used.

The variables that will be included in the output layer. All variables are selected by default.

String, out_trajectory_layer, {dimension}, {predefined_variables}, {variables})
NameExplanationData Type

The input trajectory file.

File; Trajectory Layer

The output feature layer that contains the selected variables.

Trajectory Layer

The dimension name. The first dimension is used by default.


Specifies the predefined variables that will be used for measurement for different sensor types.

  • SIGMA0A variable that contains Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • SSHA variable that contains Sea Surface Height will be used.
  • SSHAA variable that contains Sea Surface Height Anomaly will be used.
  • SWHA variable that contains Significant Wave Height will be used.
  • SIGMA0_OCEANA variable that contains Ocean Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • H_SEA_ICEA variable that contains Sea Ice Surface Elevation will be used.
  • H_SEA_ICE_ANOMALYA variable that contains Sea Ice Surface Height Anomaly will be used.
  • SICA variable that contains Sea Ice Concentration will be used.
  • SIGMA0_SEA_ICEA variable that contains Sea Ice Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • H_ICE_SHEETA variable that contains Ice Sheet Surface Elevation will be used.
  • SIGMA0_ICE_SHEETA variable that contains Ice Sheet Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • H_ICEA variable that contains Ice Surface Elevation will be used.
  • SIGMA0_ICEA variable that contains Ice Surface Backscatter Coefficient will be used.
  • WSA variable that contains Wind Speed will be used.
  • H_MSSA variable that contains Mean Sea Surface Elevation will be used.

The variables that will be included in the output layer. All variables are selected by default.


Code sample

MakeTrajectoryLayer example 1 stand-alone script

This example creates a trajectory layer from a Cryosat trajectory file.

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import *

# Set local variables
in_trajectory_file = r"C:\data\Cryosat\"
out_trajectory_layer = r"C:\data\Cryosat\trajectory_layer
dimension = "CS_OFFL_SIR_LRM_2__20210301T000738_20210301T001611_D001_time_20_ku"
predefined_variables = "SSH;H_SEA_ICE"
variables = "height_1_20_ku"

# Execute
trajectory_output =, out_trajectory_layer, 
		    	dimension, predefined_variables, variables)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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