Generate Range Rings From Features (Defense)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Creates range rings with attributes derived from fields in a point feature class.


  • Use the Range Ring Type parameter to specify whether rings will be created from an interval and number of rings or a minimum and maximum distance.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The point feature set that identifies the center of the range ring. The input must have at least one point.

Feature Layer
Output Range Ring Feature Class

The feature class that will contain the output ring features.

Feature Class
Range Ring Type

Specifies how range rings will be generated.

  • IntervalRange rings will be generated based on the number of rings and distance between rings. This the default.
  • Minimum and maximumRange rings will be generated based on a minimum and maximum distance.
Output Feature Class (Radials)

The feature class that will contain the output radial features.

Feature Class
Radial Count Field

The field that contains the number of radials to be created.

Minimum Range Field

The field that contains the values for the distance from the origin point to the inner ring.

Maximum Range Field

The field that contains the values for the distance from the origin point to the outer ring.

Ring Count Field

The field that contains the values for the number of rings to generate.

Ring Interval Field

The field that contains the values for the interval between rings.

Distance Units

Specifies the linear unit of measure for the value of the Ring Interval Field parameter or the values of the Minimum Range Field and Maximum Range Field parameters.

  • MetersThe unit will be meters. This is the default.
  • KilometersThe unit will be kilometers.
  • MilesThe unit will be miles.
  • Nautical milesThe unit will be nautical miles.
  • FeetThe unit will be feet.
  • US survey feetThe unit will be U.S. survey feet.

arcpy.defense.GenerateRangeRingsFromFeatures(in_features, output_feature_class, range_rings_type, {out_feature_class_radials}, {radial_count_field}, {min_range_field}, {max_range_field}, {ring_count_field}, {ring_interval_field}, {distance_units})
NameExplanationData Type

The point feature set that identifies the center of the range ring. The input must have at least one point.

Feature Layer

The feature class that will contain the output ring features.

Feature Class

Specifies how range rings will be generated.

  • INTERVALRange rings will be generated based on the number of rings and distance between rings. This the default.
  • MIN_MAXRange rings will be generated based on a minimum and maximum distance.

The feature class that will contain the output radial features.

Feature Class

The field that contains the number of radials to be created.


The field that contains the values for the distance from the origin point to the inner ring.


The field that contains the values for the distance from the origin point to the outer ring.


The field that contains the values for the number of rings to generate.


The field that contains the values for the interval between rings.


Specifies the linear unit of measure for the value of the ring_interval_field parameter or the values of the min_range_field and max_range_field parameters.

  • METERSThe unit will be meters. This is the default.
  • KILOMETERSThe unit will be kilometers.
  • MILESThe unit will be miles.
  • NAUTICAL_MILESThe unit will be nautical miles.
  • FEETThe unit will be feet.
  • US_SURVEY_FEETThe unit will be U.S. survey feet.

Code sample

GenerateRangeRingsFromFeatures example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateRangeRingsFromFeatures function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/Data.gdb"
                                             None, None, None, None,
                                             "number_of_rings", "interval")
GenerateRangeRingsFromFeatures example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following example uses the GenerateRangeRingsFromFeatures function in an example workflow script.

# Description: Select all points that have a minimum ring distance of at least 
#              6 then create rings and radials around those points.

# Import modules
import arcpy

# Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/Data.gdb"

# Select points from the input
pointsToCreate = "all_points"
hasMinimumDist = "Min6"
whereClause = "min_range >= 6"
arcpy.Select_analysis(pointsToCreate, hasMinimumDist, whereClause)

# Generate rings and radials around selected points
outputRings = "Rings"
ringType = "MIN_MAX"
outputRadials = "Radials"
                                             "min_range", "max_range")

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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