Export Trace Configurations (Trace Network)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Exports named trace configurations from a trace network to JSON format (.json file).

This tool can be used in conjunction with the Import Trace Configurations tool.

Learn more about exporting trace configurations


  • The input trace network must be version 2 or later.

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the following apply:
    • The Input Trace Network parameter value must be from a trace network service.


    The Input Trace Network parameter value can be from a database connection established as the database trace network owner when connected as the portal trace network owner or a portal account with the administrator role.

  • The portal trace network owner can view and export any named trace configuration in the trace network. Other users can only view and export the named trace configurations they create.

  • The information in the .json file is stored in the following format:

    		"creator": "<property representing the connected portal account on creation>",
    		"name": "<property  representing the name of the named trace configuration>",
    		"description": "<property representing the description of the named trace configuration>",
    		"traceType": <property representing the trace type>,
    		"configuration": <property representing the collection of trace configuration parameters>,
    		"resultTypes": "[<property representing the types of results to return>]",
    		"tags": "<property representing user provided tags>"

    Example JSON from a trace network using the Export Trace Configurations tool:

    		"creator": "TN_Admin",
    		"name": "Connected trace HUC12",
    		"description": "Connected trace for HUC12",
    		"traceType": 1,
    		"resultTypes": "[{"type":"elements","includeGeometry":false,"includePropagatedValues":false,"networkAttributeNames":[],"diagramTemplateName":"","resultTypeFields":[]},{"type":"aggregatedGeometry","includeGeometry":false,"includePropagatedValues":false,"networkAttributeNames":[],"diagramTemplateName":"","resultTypeFields":[]}]",
      "tags": "connected,nhd,huc12"


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Trace Network

The trace network containing the named trace configuration or configurations to export.

Trace Network; Trace Network Layer
Trace Configuration

The named trace configuration or configurations to export.

Output File (.json)

The output .json file.


arcpy.tn.ExportTraceConfigurations(in_trace_network, trace_config_name, out_json_file)
NameExplanationData Type

The trace network containing the named trace configuration or configurations to export.

Trace Network; Trace Network Layer

The named trace configuration or configurations to export.


The output .json file.


Code sample

ExportTraceConfigurations example (Python window)

This sample script exports a single named trace configuration from a trace network called HydroNetwork.

import arcpy


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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