It can be useful to exclude specific keyframe properties from the animation process. For example, you may want a single camera pitch for your fly-through, or for map time to flow at a consistent speed across many keyframes. Rather than calculating and updating the individual keyframe properties, you can designate the properties that should be ignored when the keyframe is processed.
To ignore a keyframe property in your animation, you need to have the Animation Properties pane open. The active or selected group of keyframes will be designated in the Keyframe page in the Animation Properties pane. Select the property within the main column of the pane and click the arrow that appears to move it to the Ignore column. You can quickly disable or reenable a whole category of keyframe properties by clicking the Ignore, Enable, or Mixed button on the section's title bar. The button name changes based on whether there are all or some of the properties specified to be ignored.
When a keyframe property is disabled, its value is interpolated by its neighboring keyframes. You can reenable a keyframe property at any time.
In the example below, three keyframes, spaced two seconds apart, have increasing values of transparency percentage for a fade-out layer effect. The graph shows how the transparency values change over the course of the animation. The orange squares represent enabled keyframes and gray squares are disabled keyframes. The blue line is the animation transition for the layer transparency property. Although layer transparency is used in the example below, all individual properties for a keyframe (camera, time, range, and layer visibility) follow the same logic.
These values represent the state of the keyframes for all of the graphs below.
Keyframe | Timing | Keyframe property: Layer transparency |
1 | 0 seconds | 0% |
2 | 2 seconds | 30% |
3 | 4 seconds | 90% |
Example 1: All keyframes are enabled
If all keyframes are enabled, the layer transparency progression will pass through each keyframe's value.
0 seconds | 1 second | 2 seconds | 3 seconds | 4 seconds |
0% | 15% | 30% | 60% | 90% |
Example 2: The middle keyframe is disabled
If keyframe 2 is disabled, the layer transparency progression will not use that keyframe's value. The in-between values will only be based on the remaining keyframes.
0 seconds | 1 second | 2 seconds | 3 seconds | 4 seconds |
0% | 22.5% | 45% | 67.5% | 90% |
Example 3: One keyframe is enabled
If keyframes 2 and 3 are disabled, the layer transparency progression will only use the value from keyframe 1.
0 seconds | 1 second | 2 seconds | 3 seconds | 4 seconds |
0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Example 4: Only the last keyframe is enabled
If keyframes 1 and 2 are disabled, the layer transparency progression will only use the value from keyframe 3.
0 seconds | 1 second | 2 seconds | 3 seconds | 4 seconds |
90% | 90% | 90% | 90% | 90% |