public abstract class DockPane : PaneBase, ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.DragDrop.IDropTarget, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Public MustInherit Class DockPane Inherits PaneBase Implements ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.DragDrop.IDropTarget, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Dock panes are modeless dialogs that can be docked at the top, right, left, or bottom of the view area within the application. Dock panes can also be: grouped with other dock panes, docked relative to each other (i.e. below, above, etc), or floated. Finally, dock panes can also be pinned/un-pinned so that they slide back into the frame to save space. The framework persists and preserves the docking state of each dock pane so that when they are shown in subsequent sessions, they appear in their last position.
Dock panes are singletons: there is never more than one instance of a particular dock pane and once created, they are not destroyed until the application shuts down. Use Find to access a specific dock pane.
Declaring DockPanes in DAML: <dockPanes> <dockPane id="acme_TOCDockPane" caption="Contents" className="TOCViewModel" condition="acme_basicPane" dock="group" dockWith="acme_ProjectDockPane"> <content className="TOC.TOCDockPane"/> </dockPane> </dockPanes>
DAML attributes | |
id | Required identifier. |
caption | The default DockPane heading. |
extendedCaption | A more descriptive title. |
isDropTarget | Flag specifying whether the DockPane processes drag and drop events directly. Defaults to false. |
smallImage | Image appearing in tab header. |
autoHide | Flag specifying whether the DockPane comes up pinned or unpinned. Default is false, unpinned. |
delayLoadMessage | Message that appears when DockPane is created from persisted dock state but it is currently out of context. |
dock | Where the DockPane should initially appear. |
dockWith | The DAML ID of the DockPane to dock relative to. |
hasHelp | Show the help button. |
height | The initial height. Used when applicable. |
helpContextID | For Esri internal use. |
image | Image for DockPane. |
width | The initial width. Used when applicable. |
className | Required class identifier. Optionally include namespace if not in default namespace. |
assembly | Assembly name if not in the default assembly. |
publicKeyToken | The necessary public key token if the assembly is strongly named. |
version | The version of the dll if the assembly is strongly named. |
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10