ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace / IGeometryEngine Interface / GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList Method
The type of coordinate systems in the list. Geographic, Projected, and Vertical coordinate system categories are supported. Can be used as a bit mask to get multiple types in one list.
Example Version

GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList Method (IGeometryEngine)
Gets the list of predefined coordinate systems for the given filter.


The type of coordinate systems in the list. Geographic, Projected, and Vertical coordinate system categories are supported. Can be used as a bit mask to get multiple types in one list.

Return Value

A read-only list of CoordinateSystemListEntry.
Retrieve coordinate systems
// get all the geographic coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> gcs_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.GeographicCoordinateSystem);

// get the projected coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> proj_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.ProjectedCoordinateSystem);

// get the vertical coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> vert_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.VerticalCoordinateSystem);

// get geographic and projected coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> combined_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.GeographicCoordinateSystem | CoordinateSystemFilter.ProjectedCoordinateSystem);

// investigate one of the entries
CoordinateSystemListEntry entry = gcs_list[0];
int wkid = entry.Wkid;
string category = entry.Category;
string name = entry.Name;

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also