AttributeIndexDescription Constructor(String,TableDescription,IEnumerable<String>)
Creates a description object of the attribute
Creating a table with index from scratch
public void CreatingTableWithIndex(SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder)
FieldDescription nameFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateStringField("Name", 50);
FieldDescription addressFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateStringField("Address", 200);
// Creating a feature class, 'Buildings' with two fields
TableDescription tableDescription = new TableDescription("Buildings", new List<FieldDescription>() { nameFieldDescription, addressFieldDescription });
// Enqueue DDL operation to create a table
TableToken tableToken = schemaBuilder.Create(tableDescription);
// Creating an attribute index named as 'Idx'
AttributeIndexDescription attributeIndexDescription = new AttributeIndexDescription("Idx", new TableDescription(tableToken),
new List<string> { nameFieldDescription.Name, addressFieldDescription.Name });
// Enqueue DDL operation to create an attribute index
// Execute build indexes operation
bool isBuildSuccess = schemaBuilder.Build();
Adding indexes in pre-existing dataset
public void AddingIndexes(SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder, FeatureClassDefinition featureClassDefinition)
// Field names to add in the attribute index
string fieldName = featureClassDefinition.GetFields().First(f => f.AliasName.Contains("Name")).Name;
string fieldAddress = featureClassDefinition.GetFields().First(f => f.AliasName.Contains("Address")).Name;
// Creating an attribute index with index name 'Idx' and two participating fields' name
AttributeIndexDescription attributeIndexDescription = new AttributeIndexDescription("Idx", new TableDescription(featureClassDefinition), new List<string> { fieldName, fieldAddress });
// Enqueue DDL operation for an attribute index creation
// Creating the spatial index
SpatialIndexDescription spatialIndexDescription = new SpatialIndexDescription(new FeatureClassDescription(featureClassDefinition));
// Enqueue DDL operation for the spatial index creation
// Execute build indexes operation
bool isBuildSuccess = schemaBuilder.Build();
if (!isBuildSuccess)
IReadOnlyList<string> errors = schemaBuilder.ErrorMessages;
// Iterate and handle errors
Create Attribute Indexes on KG Schemas with SchemaBuilder
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
//indexes are managed on the GDB objects...
var entity_table_def = kg.GetDefinition<TableDefinition>(entity_name);
var entity_table_desc = new TableDescription(entity_table_def);
var entity_table_flds = entity_table_def.GetFields();
AttributeIndexDescription attr_index1 = null;
AttributeIndexDescription attr_index2 = null;
foreach (var fld in entity_table_flds)
//index the first string field
if (fld.FieldType == FieldType.String && attr_index1 == null)
if (fld.Name == "ESRI__ID")//special case
//Index _must_ be ascending for KG
attr_index1 = new AttributeIndexDescription(
"Index1", entity_table_desc, new List<string> { fld.Name })
IsAscending = true
//index the first numeric field (if there is one)
if ((fld.FieldType == FieldType.BigInteger ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.Integer ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.Single ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.SmallInteger ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.Double) && attr_index2 == null)
attr_index2 = new AttributeIndexDescription(
"Index2", entity_table_desc, new List<string> { fld.Name })
IsAscending = true,
IsUnique = true //optional - unique if all values are to be unique in the index
if (attr_index1 != null && attr_index2 != null) break;
if (attr_index1 == null && attr_index2 == null)
return; //nothing to index
//Run the schema builder
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
if (attr_index1 != null)
if (attr_index2 != null)
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Create index error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
Delete Attribute Indexes on KG Schemas with SchemaBuilder
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
//indexes are managed on the GDB objects...
var entity_table_def = kg.GetDefinition<TableDefinition>(entity_name);
var entity_table_desc = new TableDescription(entity_table_def);
var indexes = entity_table_def.GetIndexes();
foreach (var idx in indexes)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Index {idx.GetName()}");
var idx1 = indexes.FirstOrDefault(
idx => idx.GetName().ToLower() == "Index1".ToLower());
var idx2 = indexes.FirstOrDefault(
idx => idx.GetName().ToLower() == "Index2".ToLower());
if (idx1 == null && idx2 == null)
//Run the schema builder
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
if (idx1 != null)
var idx_attr = new AttributeIndexDescription(idx1, entity_table_desc);
if (idx2 != null)
var idx_attr = new AttributeIndexDescription(idx2, entity_table_desc);
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Delete index error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3.1 or higher.