ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts Namespace / Element Class / SetY Method
Example Version

SetY Method (Element)
Sets the Y position of the element. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public void SetY( 
   double y


This method must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run.
This element requires its mapview to be active
Placement for an element contained in graphics layer requires the mapview be active. To change the element X and Y consider SetAnchorPoint
//Convert a legend to a graphic and move the Title to the bottom of the legend and also move
//the label in the contents pane to the bottom of the list.

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  Legend leg = layout.FindElement("Legend") as Legend;
  GroupElement result = leg.ConvertToGraphics().First() as GroupElement;
  Element firstElm = result.Elements.First();  //Note: Bottom element is first in drawing order.
  foreach (Element elm in result.Elements)
    if (elm.Name == "Title")
      elm.SetY(firstElm.GetY() - 0.25);  //Move title below other legend elements
      elm.SetTOCPositionAbsolute(result, false);  // Move Title item in TOC to bottom as well
//Modify an element's Y position.

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  double elmY = element.GetY();
  elmY = 5.5;

  element.SetY(elmY); //You don't have to get to set; a shortcut would be: element.SetY(5.5);
//Create a scale bar for a specific map frame and assign a scale bar style item.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference a North Arrow in a style
  StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
  ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars("Double Alternating Scale Bar 1")[0];

  //Build geometry
  Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 8);

  //Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout 
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  if (mf == null)
    ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Map frame not found", "WARNING");

  //At 2.x -
  //ScaleBar sbElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateScaleBar(layout, center, mf, sbStyleItm);
  //sbElm.SetName("New Scale Bar");

  var sbInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
    MapFrameName = mf.Name,
    ScaleBarStyleItem = sbStyleItm
  var sbElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                                      layout, center.ToMapPoint(), sbInfo, "New Scale Bar") as ScaleBar;
//Create a north arrow for a specific map frame and assign a north arrow style item.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference a North Arrow in a style
  StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
  NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchNorthArrows("ArcGIS North 10")[0];

  //Build geometry
  Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 5.5);

  //Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout 
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  if (mf == null)
    ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Map frame not found", "WARNING");
  //At 2.x -
  //NorthArrow arrowElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateNorthArrow(layout, center, mf, naStyleItm);
  //arrowElm.SetName("New North Arrow");

  var naInfo = new NorthArrowInfo()
    MapFrameName = mf.Name,
    NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItm

  var arrowElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                            layout, center.ToMapPoint(), naInfo, "New North Arrow") as NorthArrow;
//This example finds a layout element by name and clones it a specified number of times and applies an accumlative offset for each 
//cloned element.

//Added references
using ArcGIS.Core.CIM;                             //CIM
using ArcGIS.Desktop.Core;                         //Project
using ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts;                      //Layout class
using ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks;    //QueuedTask

public class GraphicElementExample2
  public static Task<bool> CloneElementAsync(string LayoutName, string ElementName, double offset, int numCopies)
    //Reference a layoutitem in a project by name
    LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals(LayoutName));
    if (layoutItem == null)
      return Task.FromResult(false);

    return QueuedTask.Run<bool>(() =>
      //Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
      Layout lyt = layoutItem.GetLayout();

      //Reference a element by name
      GraphicElement graElm = lyt.FindElement(ElementName) as GraphicElement;
      if (graElm == null)
        return false;

      //Loop through the number of copies, clone, and set the offsets for each new element
      double orig_offset = offset;
      while (numCopies != 0)
        GraphicElement cloneElm = graElm.Clone("Clone");
        cloneElm.SetX(cloneElm.GetX() + offset);
        cloneElm.SetY(cloneElm.GetY() - offset);
        offset = offset + orig_offset;
        numCopies = numCopies - 1;

      return true;
Create Point Text Element 1
//Create a simple point text element and assign basic symbology and text settings.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D point geometry
  Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 10);

  //Set symbology, create and add element to layout
  CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
                ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 32, "Arial", "Regular");
  string textString = "Point text";
  //At 2.x - GraphicElement ptTxtElm =
  //         LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePointTextGraphicElement(
  //                           layout, coord2D, textString, sym);
  //ptTxtElm.SetName("New Point Text");

  //use ElementInfo to set placement properties during create
  var elemInfo = new ElementInfo()
    Anchor = Anchor.CenterPoint,
    Rotation = 45
  var ptTxtElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
    container, TextType.PointText, coord2D.ToMapPoint(), sym, textString,
                       "New Point Text", true, elemInfo);

  //Change additional text properties
Create North Arrow From StyleItem 2
//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 5.5);

//Reference a North Arrow in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                               .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchNorthArrows(
                                       "ArcGIS North 10")[0];

//Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout 
//var mf = container.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
var mf = layout.FindElement(MapFrameName) as MapFrame;
var narrow_info = new NorthArrowInfo()
  MapFrameName = mf.Name,
  NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItm
var arrowElm = (NorthArrow)ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
  layout, center.ToMapPoint(), narrow_info) as NorthArrow;
arrowElm.SetName("New North Arrow");
Update text element properties
//Update text element properties for an existing text element.

// Reference a layoutitem in a project by name
LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()
                      .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));
if (layoutItem != null)

  //Perform on the worker thread
  QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
    Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
    if (layout != null)
      // Reference a text element by name
      TextElement txtElm = layout.FindElement("MyTextElement") as TextElement;
      if (txtElm != null)
        // Change placement properties

        // Change TextProperties
        TextProperties txtProperties = new TextProperties(
                         "Hello world", "Times New Roman", 48, "Regular");
Clone an element
//Clone a layout graphic element and apply an offset.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
  Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
  if (layout != null)
    // Reference a graphic element by name
    GraphicElement graphicElement = 
                        layout.FindElement("MyElement") as GraphicElement;
    if (graphicElement != null)

      //Clone and set the new x,y
      GraphicElement cloneElement = graphicElement.Clone("Clone");
      cloneElement.SetX(cloneElement.GetX() + xOffset);
      cloneElement.SetY(cloneElement.GetY() + yOffset);

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also