The list returned from this property contains two or three elements. Three elements are returned for RuleType.EdgeJunctionEdgeConnectivity rules, while all other rule types return two elements. The RuleElement.Terminal properties in the objects of this list have different meanings depending on the RuleType.
RuleType.Attachment: The Terminal properties are null. You cannot create an attachment association to a specific terminal.
RuleType.Containment: The Terminal properties are null. You cannot create a containment association with a specific terminal.
RuleType.EdgeJunctionEdgeConnectivity:The first two list elements represent the from and to edge elements and have Terminal properties of null. The Terminal property of the third list element (if not null) designates the terminal of the junction that each of the edges can connect to.
RuleType.JunctionEdgeConnectivity: The Terminal property of the first list element (if not null) designates the terminal on the junction that connects to the edge.
RuleType.JunctionJunctionConnectivity: The Terminal property of the first list element (if not null) designates the terminal on the first junction that connects to the second junction. The Terminal property of the second list element (if not null) designates the terminal on the second junction that connects to the first junction.