ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.UtilityNetwork Namespace / UtilityNetworkDefinition Class / GetNetworkAttribute Method
The name of the NetworkAttribute to return.
Example Version

GetNetworkAttribute Method
Gets a NetworkAttribute object with the specified name. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public NetworkAttribute GetNetworkAttribute( 
   string networkAttributeName


The name of the NetworkAttribute to return.

Return Value

The NetworkAttribute that corresponds to networkAttributeName.

networkAttributeName is null or an empty string.


There is no NetworkAttribute that corresponds to networkAttributeName.

A geodatabase-related exception has occurred.
This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run
The string comparison used to find the name is case-insensitive.
Create a Condition to compare a Network Attribute against a set of values
// Create a NetworkAttribute object for the Lifecycle network attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute lifecycleNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Lifecycle"))
  // Create a NetworkAttributeComparison that stops traversal if Lifecycle <> "In Design" (represented by the constant InDesign)
  NetworkAttributeComparison inDesignNetworkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(lifecycleNetworkAttribute, Operator.NotEqual, InDesign);

  // Create a NetworkAttributeComparison to stop traversal if Lifecycle <> "In Service" (represented by the constant InService)
  NetworkAttributeComparison inServiceNetworkAttributeComparison = new NetworkAttributeComparison(lifecycleNetworkAttribute, Operator.NotEqual, InService);

  // Combine these two comparisons together with "And"
  And lifecycleFilter = new And(inDesignNetworkAttributeComparison, inServiceNetworkAttributeComparison);

  // Final condition stops traversal if Lifecycle <> "In Design" and Lifecycle <> "In Service"
  traceConfiguration.Traversability.Barriers = lifecycleFilter;
Create a Function
// Get a NetworkAttribute object for the Load network attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute loadNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Load"))
  // Create a function to sum the Load
  Add sumLoadFunction = new Add(loadNetworkAttribute);

  // Add this function to our trace configuration
  traceConfiguration.Functions = new List<Function>() { sumLoadFunction };
Create a FunctionBarrier
// Create a NetworkAttribute object for the Shape length network attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute shapeLengthNetworkAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Shape length"))
  // Create a function that adds up shape length
  Add lengthFunction = new Add(shapeLengthNetworkAttribute);

  // Create a function barrier that stops traversal after 1000 feet
  FunctionBarrier distanceBarrier = new FunctionBarrier(lengthFunction, Operator.GreaterThan, 1000.0);

  // Set this function barrier
  traceConfiguration.Traversability.FunctionBarriers = new List<FunctionBarrier>() { distanceBarrier };
Create a Propagator
// Get a NetworkAttribute object for the Phases Normal attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition
using (NetworkAttribute normalPhaseAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Phases Normal"))
  // Create a propagator to propagate the Phases Normal attribute downstream from the source, using a Bitwise And function
  // Allow traversal to continue as long as the Phases Normal value includes any of the ABC phases
  // (represented by the constant ABCPhase)
  Propagator phasePropagator = new Propagator(normalPhaseAttribute, PropagatorFunction.BitwiseAnd, Operator.IncludesAny, ABCPhase);

  // Assign this propagator to our trace configuration
  traceConfiguration.Propagators = new List<Propagator>() { phasePropagator };

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also