Gets the invisible part(s), if any, of the surface profile, from the
perspective of the observer point when looking towards the target point.
Public ReadOnly Property InvisibleLine As Polyline
Get Line of Sight
var losParams = new LineOfSightParams();
losParams.ObserverPoint = observerPoint;
losParams.TargetPoint = targetPoint;
// add offsets if appropriate
// losParams.ObserverHeightOffset = observerOffset;
// losParams.TargetHeightOffset = targerOffset;
// set output spatial reference
losParams.OutputSpatialReference = MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference;
LineOfSightResult results = null;
if (tinLayer.CanGetLineOfSight(losParams))
results = tinLayer.GetLineOfSight(losParams);
catch (Exception ex)
// log exception message
if (results != null)
bool targetIsVisibleFromObserverPoint = results.IsTargetVisibleFromObserverPoint;
//These properties are not used. They will always be false
// results.IsTargetVisibleFromVisibleLine;
// results.IsTargetVisibleFromInvisibleLine;
if (results.VisibleLine != null)
MapView.Active.AddOverlay(results.VisibleLine, visibleLineSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());
if (results.InvisibleLine != null)
MapView.Active.AddOverlay(results.VisibleLine, invisibleLineSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());
if (results.ObstructionPoint != null)
MapView.Active.AddOverlay(results.ObstructionPoint, obstructionPointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3.2 or higher.