ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Knowledge Namespace / KnowledgeGraph Class / GetDefinitions<T> Method
The type of dataset definition.
Example Version

GetDefinitions<T> Method (KnowledgeGraph)
Gets an IReadOnlyList of specific ArcGIS.Core.Data.Definition instances associated with each dataset of type T in the knowledge graph. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public IReadOnlyList<T> GetDefinitions<T>()
where T: Definition

Type Parameters

The type of dataset definition.

Return Value

A IReadOnlyList of specific ArcGIS.Core.Data.Definition instances corresponding to type T.
A geodatabase-related exception has occurred.
This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run.
Asking for ArcGIS.Core.Data.TableDefinition will only return definitions for non-spatial tables (not feature classes), but asking for ArcGIS.Core.Data.FeatureClassDefinition will return regular feature classes.
Retrieving GDB FeatureClasses and Definitions
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  //Connect to the KnowledgeGraph datastore
  //KnowledgeGraph datastores contain tables and feature classes
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the featureclass definitions from the KG datastore
    var fc_defs = kg.GetDefinitions<FeatureClassDefinition>();
    //For each feature class definition, get the corresponding
    //feature class. Note: The name of the feature class will match 
    //the name of its corresponding KnowledgeGraph named object type
    //in the KnowledgeGraph graph data model
    foreach (var fc_def in fc_defs)
      var fc_name = fc_def.GetName();
      using (var fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(fc_name))
        //TODO - use the feature class
Retrieving GDB Tables and Definitions
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  //Connect to the KnowledgeGraph datastore
  //KnowledgeGraph datastores contain tables and feature classes
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the table definitions from the KG datastore
    var tbl_defs = kg.GetDefinitions<TableDefinition>();
    //For each table definition, get the corresponding
    //table. Note: The name of the table will match the name
    //of its corresponding KnowledgeGraph named object type in
    //the KnowledgeGraph graph data model
    foreach (var tbl_def in tbl_defs)
      var tbl_name = tbl_def.GetName();
      using (var fc = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(tbl_name))
        //TODO - use the table

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3.2 or higher.
See Also