internal static string GetDocumentTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
var entity_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();
foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
var role = entity_type.Value.GetRole();
if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
return entity_type.Value.GetName();
return "";
internal static string GetHasDocumentTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
var rel_types = kg_dm.GetRelationshipTypes();
foreach (var rel_type in rel_types)
var role = rel_type.Value.GetRole();
if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
return rel_type.Value.GetName();
return "";
internal async void AddDocumentRecord()
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create Document Example",
SelectNewFeatures = true
var doc_entity_name = GetDocumentTypeName(kg.GetDataModel());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc_entity_name))
return false;
var hasdoc_rel_name = GetHasDocumentTypeName(kg.GetDataModel());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hasdoc_rel_name))
return false;
//Document can also be FeatureClass
var doc_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(doc_entity_name);
var doc_rel_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(hasdoc_rel_name);
//This is the document to be added...file, image, resource, etc.
var url = @"E:\Data\Temp\HelloWorld.txt";
var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(url);
//Set document properties
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
attribs["contentType"] = @"text/plain";
attribs["name"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(url);
attribs["url"] = url;
//Add geometry if relevant
//attribs["Shape"] = doc_location;
attribs["fileExtension"] = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(url);
attribs["text"] = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(url);
//optional and arbitrary - your choice
attribs["title"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url);
attribs["keywords"] = @"text,file,example";
attribs["metadata"] = "";
//Specify any additional custom attributes added to the document
//schema by the user as needed....
//attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
//attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//Get the entity whose document this is...
var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
var qf = new QueryFilter()
WhereClause = "name = 'Acme'",
SubFields = "*"
var origin_org_id = Guid.Empty;
using (var rc = org_fc.Search(qf))
if (!rc.MoveNext())
return false;
origin_org_id = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();//For the relate
//Create the document row/feature
var rowtoken = edit_op.Create(doc_tbl, attribs);
if (edit_op.Execute())
//Create the relationship row
//we need the names of the origin and destination relation properties
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
//Specify the origin entity (i.e. the document 'owner') and
//the document being related to (i.e. the document 'itself')
attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = origin_org_id;//entity
attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rowtoken.GlobalID;//document
//Specify any custom attributes added to the has document
//schema by the user as needed....
//attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
//attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//"Chain" a second create for the relationship - this ensures that
//Both creates (doc _and_ "has doc" relation) will be -undone- together if needed
// other words they will behave as if they are a -single- transaction
var edit_op_rel = edit_op.CreateChainedOperation();
edit_op_rel.Create(doc_rel_tbl, attribs);
return edit_op_rel.Execute();
return false;