Provides access to members that control bar chart series.
Create a multiseries bar chart
// For more information on the chart CIM specification:
// Define fields names used in chart parameters.
const string categoryField = "neighbourhood_group";
const string splitByField = "room_type";
var lyrsBar = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
var lyrBar = lyrsBar.First();
var lyrDefBar = lyrBar.GetDefinition();
// Get unique values for `splitByField`
var values = new List<string>();
using (RowCursor cursor = lyrBar.Search())
while (cursor.MoveNext())
var value = Convert.ToString(cursor.Current[splitByField]);
var uniqueValues = values.Distinct().ToList();
// Define bar chart CIM properties
var barChart = new CIMChart
Name = "barChart",
GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties
Title = $"{categoryField} grouped by {splitByField}",
UseAutomaticTitle = false
// Create list to store the info for each chart series
var allSeries = new List<CIMChartSeries>();
// Create a series for each unique category
foreach (var value in uniqueValues)
var series = new CIMChartBarSeries
UniqueName = value,
Name = value,
// Specify the category field
Fields = new string[] { categoryField, string.Empty },
// Specify the WhereClause to filter a series by unique value
WhereClause = $"{splitByField} = '{value}'",
GroupFields = new[] { categoryField },
// Specify aggregation type
FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "COUNT" }
barChart.Series = allSeries.ToArray();
// Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist)
var newChartsBar = new CIMChart[] { barChart };
var allChartsBar = (lyrDefBar == null) ? newChartsBar : lyrDefBar.Charts.Concat(newChartsBar);
// Add CIM chart to layer defintion
lyrDefBar.Charts = allChartsBar.ToArray();
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.