public class CIMChartGeneralProperties : CIMObject, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable
Public Class CIMChartGeneralProperties Inherits CIMObject Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged, System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable
// For more information on the chart CIM specification: // https://github.com/Esri/cim-spec/blob/main/docs/v3/CIMCharts.md // Define fields names used in chart parameters. const string xField = "minimum_nights"; const string yField = "price"; var lyrsScatter = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); var lyrScatter = lyrsScatter.First(); var lyrDefScatter = lyrScatter.GetDefinition(); // Define scatter plot CIM properties var scatterPlot = new CIMChart { Name = "scatterPlot", GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties { Title = $"{xField} vs. {yField}", UseAutomaticTitle = false }, Series = new CIMChartSeries[] { new CIMChartScatterSeries { UniqueName = "scatterPlotSeries", Name = "scatterPlotSeries", // Specify the X and Y field names Fields = new string[] { xField , yField }, // Turn on trend line ShowTrendLine = true } } }; // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist) var newChartsScatter = new CIMChart[] { scatterPlot }; var allChartsScatter = (lyrDefScatter == null) ? newChartsScatter : lyrDefScatter.Charts.Concat(newChartsScatter); // Add CIM chart to layer defintion lyrDefScatter.Charts = allChartsScatter.ToArray(); lyrScatter.SetDefinition(lyrDefScatter);
// For more information on the chart CIM specification: // https://github.com/Esri/cim-spec/blob/main/docs/v3/CIMCharts.md // Define fields names used in chart parameters. const string dateField = "last_review"; const string numericField = "price"; var lyrsLine = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); var lyrLine = lyrsLine.First(); var lyrDefLine = lyrLine.GetDefinition(); // Define line chart CIM properties var lineChart = new CIMChart { Name = "lineChart", GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties { Title = $"Line chart for {dateField} summarized by {numericField}", UseAutomaticTitle = false }, Series = new CIMChartSeries[] { new CIMChartLineSeries { UniqueName = "lineChartSeries", Name = $"Sum({numericField})", // Specify date field and numeric field Fields = new string[] { dateField, numericField }, // Specify aggregation type FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "SUM" }, // Specify custom time bin of 6 months TimeAggregationType = ChartTimeAggregationType.EqualIntervalsFromStartTime, TimeIntervalSize = 6.0, TimeIntervalUnits = esriTimeUnits.esriTimeUnitsMonths, // NOTE: When setting custom time binning, be sure to set CalculateAutomaticTimeInterval = false CalculateAutomaticTimeInterval = false, // Define custom line color ColorType = ChartColorType.CustomColor, LineSymbolProperties = new CIMChartLineSymbolProperties { Style = ChartLineDashStyle.DashDot, Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 }, }, MarkerSymbolProperties = new CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties { Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 } } }, } }; // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist) var newChartsLine = new CIMChart[] { lineChart }; var allChartsLine = (lyrDefLine == null) ? newChartsLine : lyrDefLine.Charts.Concat(newChartsLine); // Add CIM chart to layer defintion lyrDefLine.Charts = allChartsLine.ToArray(); lyrLine.SetDefinition(lyrDefLine);
// For more information on the chart CIM specification: // https://github.com/Esri/cim-spec/blob/main/docs/v3/CIMCharts.md var lyrsHistogram = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); var lyrHistogram = lyrsHistogram.First(); var lyrDefHistogram = lyrHistogram.GetDefinition(); // Get list names for fields of type Double var doubleFields = lyrHistogram.GetFieldDescriptions().Where(f => f.Type == FieldType.Double).Select(f => f.Name); // Create list that will contain all histograms var histograms = new List<CIMChart>(); // Create histogram for each Double field foreach (var field in doubleFields) { // Define histogram CIM properties var histogram = new CIMChart { Name = $"histogram_{field}", GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties { Title = $"Histogram for {field}", UseAutomaticTitle = false }, Series = new CIMChartSeries[] { new CIMChartHistogramSeries { UniqueName = "histogramSeries", Name = $"histogram_{field}", BinCount = 15, // Specify the number field Fields = new string[] { field }, } } }; histograms.Add(histogram); }; // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist) var allChartsHistogram = (lyrDefHistogram == null) ? histograms : lyrDefHistogram.Charts.Concat(histograms); // Add CIM chart to layer defintion lyrDefHistogram.Charts = allChartsHistogram.ToArray(); lyrHistogram.SetDefinition(lyrDefHistogram);
// For more information on the chart CIM specification: // https://github.com/Esri/cim-spec/blob/main/docs/v3/CIMCharts.md // Define fields names used in chart parameters. const string categoryField = "neighbourhood_group"; const string splitByField = "room_type"; var lyrsBar = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); var lyrBar = lyrsBar.First(); var lyrDefBar = lyrBar.GetDefinition(); // Get unique values for `splitByField` var values = new List<string>(); using (RowCursor cursor = lyrBar.Search()) { while (cursor.MoveNext()) { var value = Convert.ToString(cursor.Current[splitByField]); values.Add(value); } }; var uniqueValues = values.Distinct().ToList(); // Define bar chart CIM properties var barChart = new CIMChart { Name = "barChart", GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties { Title = $"{categoryField} grouped by {splitByField}", UseAutomaticTitle = false }, }; // Create list to store the info for each chart series var allSeries = new List<CIMChartSeries>(); // Create a series for each unique category foreach (var value in uniqueValues) { var series = new CIMChartBarSeries { UniqueName = value, Name = value, // Specify the category field Fields = new string[] { categoryField, string.Empty }, // Specify the WhereClause to filter a series by unique value WhereClause = $"{splitByField} = '{value}'", GroupFields = new[] { categoryField }, // Specify aggregation type FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "COUNT" } }; allSeries.Add(series); } barChart.Series = allSeries.ToArray(); // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist) var newChartsBar = new CIMChart[] { barChart }; var allChartsBar = (lyrDefBar == null) ? newChartsBar : lyrDefBar.Charts.Concat(newChartsBar); // Add CIM chart to layer defintion lyrDefBar.Charts = allChartsBar.ToArray(); lyrBar.SetDefinition(lyrDefBar);
// For more information on the chart CIM specification: // https://github.com/Esri/cim-spec/blob/main/docs/v3/CIMCharts.md // Define fields names used in chart parameters. const string fieldCategory = "neighbourhood_group"; var lyrs = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); var lyr = lyrs.First(); var lyrDef = lyr.GetDefinition(); // Define pie chart CIM properties var pieChart = new CIMChart { Name = "pieChart", GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties { Title = "Pie chart with custom legend formatting", UseAutomaticTitle = true }, Legend = new CIMChartLegend { LegendText = new CIMChartTextProperties { FontFillColor = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 250, B = 20 }, // Specify new font color FontSize = 6.0, // Specify new font size } }, Series = new CIMChartSeries[] { new CIMChartPieSeries { UniqueName = "pieSeries", Name = "pieSeries", Fields = new string[] { fieldCategory, string.Empty } } } }; // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist) var newCharts = new CIMChart[] { pieChart }; var allCharts = (lyrDef?.Charts == null) ? newCharts : lyrDef.Charts.Concat(newCharts); // Add CIM chart to layer defintion lyrDef.Charts = allCharts.ToArray(); lyr.SetDefinition(lyrDef);
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10