SpellChecker Class Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by SpellChecker.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | CustomDictionaries |
Return the list of custom dictionaries.
 | Language |
Gets or Sets the Spellchecker language per RFC 3066. For example, use en-US for U.S. English or fr-FR for France French.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | AddToDictionary |
Adds the specified word to the dictionary.
 | CheckSentence |
Returns a list of tuples of integers, each containing the start position and length of each spelling error in the sentence.
 | GetSuggestions |
Returns an array of suggestions for the specified word. Returns null if the word is properly spelled.
 | IgnoreAll |
Will ignore the specified spelling error for the lifetime of the spell checker object.
See Also