- polyline
- The input polyline.
- fromPartIndex
- The index of the part from which to start.
- fromPointIndex
- The index of the point (relative to the part) from which to start.
- toPartIndex
- The index of the part from which to end.
- toPointIndex
- The index of the point (relative to the part) from which to end.
- fromM
- The start M-value.
- toM
- The end M-value.
- updateMMethod
- The method to use when updating M-values. You can use a combination of update methods by using the bitwise OR operator. For example, to interpolate between the input points and to extrapolate before the input points, useUpdateMMethod.Interpolate | UpdateMMethod.ExtrapolateBefore.
- ignoreGaps
- Determines whether distances between parts of the polyline should be ignored or not.
Return Value
A polyline with updated M-values. If the input polyline is empty, then it is returned unchanged.