Creates the dictionary of named object types and their corresponding IDs.
This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
Return Value
Dictionary of named object types and their corresponding Ids.
Get the ID Set of a KG layer
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var idSet = kgLayer.GetIDSet();
// is the set empty?
var isEmpty = idSet.IsEmpty;
// get the count of named object types
var countNamedObjects = idSet.NamedObjectTypeCount;
// does it contain the entity "Species";
var contains = idSet.Contains("Species");
// get the idSet as a dictionary of namedObjectType and oids
var oidDict = idSet.ToOIDDictionary();
var speciesOIDs = oidDict["Species"];
// alternatively get the idSet as a dictionary of
// namedObjectTypes and uuids
var uuidDict = idSet.ToUIDDictionary();
var speciesUuids = uuidDict["Species"];
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3.3 or higher.