KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription Constructor(KnowledgeGraphProperty)
Modify Entity and Relationship Type Schemas with SchemaBuilder
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
var relate_name = "WhoCalledWho";
var kvp_entity = kg.GetDataModel().GetEntityTypes()
.First(r => r.Key == entity_name);
var kvp_relate = kg.GetDataModel().GetRelationshipTypes()
.First(r => r.Key == relate_name);
//Let's delete one field and add a new one from each
//A field gets deleted implicitly if it is not included in the list of
//fields - or "properties" in this we will remove the last
//property from the list
var entity_props = kvp_entity.Value.GetProperties().Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse();
var prop_descs = new List<KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription>();
foreach (var prop in entity_props)
if (prop.FieldType == FieldType.Geometry)
continue;//skip shape
var prop_desc = new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription(prop);
//deal with shape - we need to keep it
//SchemaBuilder deletes any field not included in the "modify" list
ShapeDescription shape_desc = null;
if (kvp_entity.Value.GetIsSpatial())
var geom_def = kvp_entity.Value.GetShapeDefinition();
var shape_name = kvp_entity.Value.GetShapeField();
shape_desc = new ShapeDescription(
shape_name, geom_def.geometryType,;
//add the new entity property
KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription.CreateStringProperty("foo", 10));
//make a description for the entity type - ok if shape_desc is null
var entityDesc = new KnowledgeGraphEntityTypeDescription(
entity_name, prop_descs, shape_desc);
//Add the entity type description to the schema builder using 'Modify'
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
//Repeat for the relationship - assuming we have at least one custom attribute field
//that can be deleted on our relationship schema...
var rel_props = kvp_relate.Value.GetProperties().Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse();
var rel_prop_descs = new List<KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription>();
foreach (var prop in rel_props)
if (prop.FieldType == FieldType.Geometry)
continue;//skip shape
var prop_desc = new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription(prop);
//deal with shape - we need to keep it
//SchemaBuilder deletes any field not included in the "modify" list
ShapeDescription shape_desc_rel = null;
if (kvp_relate.Value.GetIsSpatial())
var geom_def = kvp_relate.Value.GetShapeDefinition();
var shape_name = kvp_relate.Value.GetShapeField();
shape_desc_rel = new ShapeDescription(
shape_name, geom_def.geometryType,;
//add a new relationship property
KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription.CreateStringProperty("bar", 10));
//make a description for the relationship type - ok if shape_desc is null
var relDesc = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipTypeDescription(
relate_name, rel_prop_descs, shape_desc_rel);
//Add the relationship type description to the schema builder using 'Modify'
//Run the schema builder
//Use the KnowledgeGraph extension method 'ApplySchemaEdits(...)'
//to refresh the Pro UI
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Entity/Relate Modify error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3.4 or higher.