- geometry
- The input geometry. Cannot be null and its spatial reference cannot be null.
- distance
- The distance to used to buffer the geometry.
- distanceUnit
- The unit of the buffer distance. If null, then the buffer distance is in meters.
- maxDeviation
- The deviation in meters to use for convergence. The geodetic arcs of the resulting buffer will be closer than the max deviation of the true buffer. Pass in NaN or a value less than or equal to 0 to use the default deviation which will be the maximum of 0.01 meters and 0.2% of the buffer distance.
- curveType
- The GeodeticCurveType of the segments. If the curveType is GeodeticCurveType::ShapePreserving, then the segments are densified in the spatial reference where they are defined before buffering.
Return Value
A polygon representing the buffered area. If the input geometry is empty, then an empty polygon is returned.