ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.SystemCore Namespace / ISignOnHandler Interface / GenerateCredentials Method
SIGNONHANDLERINFO containing the portal or online Uri
Example Version

GenerateCredentials Method
GenerateCredentials will be called by the system when authentication is required against a portal or online. This method is for use in CoreHost applications only
void GenerateCredentials( 


SIGNONHANDLERINFO containing the portal or online Uri
Implement your handler to authenticate against the requested portal or online. Note: if the challenge is being initiated by a connection to a federated feature service, the feature service will attempt to authenticate twice (if the first attempt fails).
internal class ChallengeHandler : ISignOnHandler {
  private void GetStoredUserNameAndPassword(string url, out string user, out string pwd)
    user = "";
    pwd = "";
    if (url == "https://your_portal/portal/")
      //TODO retrieve the relevant credentials
    else if (url == "https://your_portal2/portal/")
  public void GenerateCredentials(ref SIGNONHANDLERINFO info)
    string referer = "";
    string token = "";
    string user = "";
    string superSecretPwd = "";
    GetStoredUserNameAndPassword(info.agoURL, out user, out superSecretPwd);
    var uri = new Uri(info.agoURL, UriKind.Absolute);
    var ok = ArcGIS.Core.SystemCore.ArcGISSignOn.Instance.SignInWithCredentials(
       uri, user, superSecretPwd, out referer, out token);
    if (ok) {
      //TODO: for example, if you want to retain the token and referer
      //for your own purposes that code would go here...
  //Within static void Main(string[] args) or your main program
  //Set your challenge handler...
 ArcGIS.Core.SystemCore.ArcGISSignOn.Instance.SetSignonHandler(new ChallengeHandler());
 //Establish connection(s) to your desired feature service datasource(s)
 var my_fs = "https://federated_server/server/rest/services/My_Service/FeatureServer";
 //Connect to the FeatureService DB
 //If Authentication is required, your ChallengeHandler will be invoked
 //TODO - handle GeodatabaseNotFoundOrOpenedException if authentication fails
 var uri = new Uri(my_fs, UriKind.Absolute);
 using (var fsdb = new Geodatabase(new ServiceConnectionProperties(uri))) {
  //Assuming succesful authentication...
 //If you need to clear the handler...

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also