ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Knowledge Namespace / KnowledgeGraph Class / GetPropertyNameInfo Method
Example Version

GetPropertyNameInfo Method
Gets the object containing the unique identifier property names in this knowledge graph. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo GetPropertyNameInfo()

Return Value

This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run.
Get Whether KG Supports Provenance using KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
internal void KnowledgeGraphProvenance(KnowledgeGraph kg)
  // use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
  var propInfo = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
  var supportsProvenance = propInfo.SupportsProvenance;
  var provenanceType = propInfo.ProvenanceTypeName;
  var provenanceInfo = propInfo.ProvenancePropertyInfo;
Create a new Relationship from Existing Entities 1
var create_rel = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Instantiate an operation for the Create
  var edit_op = new EditOperation()
    Name = "Create a new relationship record",
    SelectNewFeatures = true

  //Use datasets or feature layer(s) or standalone table(s)
  //Get a reference to the KnowledgeGraph
  //var kg = ... ; 

  //We will use a relate called 'HasEmployee' to relate an Organization w/ a Person
  //Use either tables or map members to get the rows to be related...
  var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
  var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");

  //Get the relationship dataset
  //We can use either a table or standalone table
  var emp_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("HasEmployee");

  //we need the names of the origin and destination relationship properties
  var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();

  //Arbitrarily use the first record from the two entity datasets "to be" related
  //Entities are always related by Global ID. Origin to Destination specifies the
  //direction (of the relate).
  //Populate the attributes for the relationship
  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();

  using (var rc = org_fc.Search())
    if (rc.MoveNext())
      //Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
      attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
  using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
    if (rc.MoveNext())
      //Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
      attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();

  //Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
  attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);

  //Add a create for the relationship to the operation
  edit_op.Create(emp_tbl, attribs);

  //Do the create
  return edit_op.Execute();
Create a new Relationship and New Entities 1
var create_rel1 = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //This example uses a chained edit operation
  var edit_op = new EditOperation()
    Name = "Create entities and a relationship",
    SelectNewFeatures = true

  //We are just going to use the GDB objects in this one but
  //we could equally use feature layers/standalone tables

  //using Feature Class/Tables (works within Investigation or map)
  var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
  var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");
  //Relationship table
  var emp_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("HasEmployee");

  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();

  //New Organization
  attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
  attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
  attribs["SHAPE"] = org_location;

  //Add it to the operation - we need the rowtoken
  var rowtoken = edit_op.Create(org_fc, attribs);

  attribs.Clear();//we are going to re-use the dictionary

  //New Person
  attribs["Name"] = "Bob";
  attribs["Age"] = "41";
  attribs["Skills"] = "Plumbing, Framing, Flooring";

  //Add it to the operation
  var rowtoken2 = edit_op.Create(person_tbl, attribs);


  //At this point we must execute the create of the entities
  if (edit_op.Execute())
    //if we are here, the create of the entities was successful

    //Next, "chain" a second create for the relationship - this ensures that
    //Both creates (entities _and_ relation) will be -undone- together if needed
    // other words they will behave as if they are a -single- transaction
    var edit_op_rel = edit_op.CreateChainedOperation();

    //we need the names of the origin and destination relation properties
    var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
    //use the row tokens we held on to from the entity creates
    attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = rowtoken.GlobalID;
    attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rowtoken2.GlobalID;

    //Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
    attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);

    //Do the create of the relate
    edit_op_rel.Create(emp_tbl, attribs);
    return edit_op_rel.Execute();
  return false;//Create of entities failed
Create a Provenance Record
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

  //Instantiate an operation for the Create
  var edit_op = new EditOperation()
    Name = "Create a new provenance record",
    SelectNewFeatures = true

  //lets get the provenance table (provenance is not added to the
  //map TOC)
  var provenance_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Provenance");
  if (provenance_tbl == null)
  //we will add a row to the provenance for person entity
  var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");

  //Arbitrarily retrieve the first "person" row
  var instance_id = Guid.Empty;
  using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
    if (!rc.MoveNext())
    instance_id = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();//Get the global id

  //Define the provenance attributes - we need the names
  //of the provenance properties from the KG ProvenancePropertyInfo
  var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
  var ppi = kg_prop_info.ProvenancePropertyInfo;

  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceTypeNamePropertyName] =
      person_tbl.GetDefinition().GetName();//entity type name
  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceFieldNamePropertyName] = "name";//Must be a property/field on the entity
  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourceNamePropertyName] = "Annual Review 2024";//can be anything - can be null
  //note: Source type is controlled by the CodedValueDomain "esri__provenanceSourceType"
  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourceTypePropertyName] = "Document";//one of ["Document", "String", "URL"].
  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourcePropertyName] = "HR records";//can be anything, not null
  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceCommentPropertyName] = "Rock star";//can be anything - can be null

  //Add in the id of the provenance owner - our "person" in this case
  attribs[ppi.ProvenanceInstanceIDPropertyName] = instance_id;

  //Specify any additional custom attributes added to the provenance
  //schema by the user as needed....
  //attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
  //attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";

  //Create the provenance row
  edit_op.Create(provenance_tbl, attribs);
  if (edit_op.Execute())
    //TODO: Operation succeeded

Create a Document Record
internal static string GetDocumentTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
  var entity_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();
  foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
    var role = entity_type.Value.GetRole();
    if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
      return entity_type.Value.GetName();
  return "";

internal static string GetHasDocumentTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
  var rel_types = kg_dm.GetRelationshipTypes();
  foreach (var rel_type in rel_types)
    var role = rel_type.Value.GetRole();
    if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
      return rel_type.Value.GetName();
  return "";

internal async void AddDocumentRecord()

  await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
      var edit_op = new EditOperation()
        Name = "Create Document Example",
        SelectNewFeatures = true

      var doc_entity_name = GetDocumentTypeName(kg.GetDataModel());
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc_entity_name))
        return false;
      var hasdoc_rel_name = GetHasDocumentTypeName(kg.GetDataModel());
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hasdoc_rel_name))
        return false;

      //Document can also be FeatureClass
      var doc_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(doc_entity_name);
      var doc_rel_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(hasdoc_rel_name);

      //This is the document to be added...file, image, resource, etc.
      var url = @"E:\Data\Temp\HelloWorld.txt";
      var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(url);

      //Set document properties
      var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
      attribs["contentType"] = @"text/plain";
      attribs["name"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(url);
      attribs["url"] = url;
      //Add geometry if relevant
      //attribs["Shape"] = doc_location;

      attribs["fileExtension"] = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(url);
      attribs["text"] = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(url);

      //optional and arbitrary - your choice
      attribs["title"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url);
      attribs["keywords"] = @"text,file,example";
      attribs["metadata"] = "";

      //Specify any additional custom attributes added to the document
      //schema by the user as needed....
      //attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
      //attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";

      //Get the entity whose document this is...
      var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
      var qf = new QueryFilter()
        WhereClause = "name = 'Acme'",
        SubFields = "*"
      var origin_org_id = Guid.Empty;
      using (var rc = org_fc.Search(qf))
        if (!rc.MoveNext())
          return false;
        origin_org_id = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();//For the relate

      //Create the document row/feature
      var rowtoken = edit_op.Create(doc_tbl, attribs);
      if (edit_op.Execute())
        //Create the relationship row
        //we need the names of the origin and destination relation properties
        var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
        //Specify the origin entity (i.e. the document 'owner') and
        //the document being related to (i.e. the document 'itself')
        attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = origin_org_id;//entity
        attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rowtoken.GlobalID;//document

        //Specify any custom attributes added to the has document
        //schema by the user as needed....
        //attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
        //attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";

        //"Chain" a second create for the relationship - this ensures that
        //Both creates (doc _and_ "has doc" relation) will be -undone- together if needed
        // other words they will behave as if they are a -single- transaction
        var edit_op_rel = edit_op.CreateChainedOperation();
        edit_op_rel.Create(doc_rel_tbl, attribs);
        return edit_op_rel.Execute();
    return false;
Modify an Entity and Relationship record
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

  var edit_op = new EditOperation()
    Name = "Modify an Entity and Relationship record",
    SelectModifiedFeatures = true

  //We are  going to use mapmembers in this example
  //we could equally use feature classes/tables
  var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
  var org_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>()
                  .First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");
  //and/or Relationship
  var rel_stbl = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
                  .First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "HasEmployee");

  //Get the entity feature to modify
  long org_oid = -1;
  var org_gid = Guid.Empty;
  var qf = new QueryFilter()
    WhereClause = "name = 'Acme'",
    SubFields = "*"
  using (var rc = org_fl.Search(qf))
    if (!rc.MoveNext())
    org_oid = rc.Current.GetObjectID();
    org_gid = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
  if (org_oid == -1)
    return; //nothing to modify

  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();

  //Specify attributes to be updated
  attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
  attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
  attribs["SHAPE"] = org_updated_location;

  //Add to the edit operation
  edit_op.Modify(org_fl, org_oid, attribs);

  //Get the relationship record (if a relate is being updated)
  //we need the name of the origin id property
  var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
  var sql = $"{kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName} = ";
  sql += "'" + org_gid.ToString("B").ToUpper() + "'";

  qf = new QueryFilter()
    WhereClause = sql,
    SubFields = "*"
  long rel_oid = -1;
  using (var rc = rel_stbl.Search(qf))
    if (!rc.MoveNext())
    rel_oid = rc.Current.GetObjectID();
  if (rel_oid > -1)
    //add the relate row updates to the edit operation
    attribs.Clear();//we are going to re-use the dictionary
    attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
    attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
    attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
    //Add to the edit operation
    edit_op.Modify(rel_stbl, rel_oid, attribs);
  //do the update(s)
  if (edit_op.Execute())
    //TODO: Operation succeeded


Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3.4 or higher.
See Also