This method guarantees that changes are written to the table. Depending on the underlying datastore and the transaction model in use, edits may be flushed before this call is made.
// Insert Cursors are intended for use in CoreHost applications, not Pro Add-ins
publicvoid UsingInsertCursor()
using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new DatabaseConnectionFile(new Uri("path\\to\\sde\\file"))))
using (Table citiesTable = geodatabase.OpenDataset<Table>("name\\of\\cities_table"))
geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
using (InsertCursor insertCursor = citiesTable.CreateInsertCursor())
using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = citiesTable.CreateRowBuffer())
rowBuffer["State"] = "Colorado";
rowBuffer["Name"] = "Fort Collins";
rowBuffer["Population"] = 167830;
rowBuffer["Name"] = "Denver";
rowBuffer["Population"] = 727211;
// Insert more rows here
// A more realistic example would be reading source data from a file